Exécutions de programmes parallèles à passage de messages sur grille de calcul, Stéphane Genaud,
Université Henri Poincaré, Nancy, December 2009.
note:Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches.
(PhD thesis) [bibtex] #220 document : [link]
Implementation of the AdaBoost Algorithm for Large Scale Distributed Environments: Comparing JavaSpace and MPJ, Virginie Galtier, Stéphane Genaud and Stéphane Vialle,
Fifteenth International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS'09), IEEE, Shenzhen, China, December 2009.
(Refereed International Conference) [bibtex] #219
Fault management in P2P-MPI, Stéphane Genaud, Emmanuel Jeannot, Choopan Rattanapoka,
in International Journal of Parallel Programming, volume 37(5), pages 433--461, Springer, August 2009.
(Article in an international journal) [bibtex] #217 documents : download formats
A Peer-to-Peer Framework for Message Passing Parallel Programs, Stéphane Genaud and Choopan Rattanapoka,
in Parallel Programming, Models and Applications in Grid and P2P Systems , vol. 17, pages 118--147, Ed. Fatos Xhafa, Advances in Parallel Computing,IOS Press, ISBN:978-1-60750-004-9, June 2009.
(A chapter in a book) [bibtex] #216 documents : download formats
Large-Scale Experiment of Co-allocation Strategies for Peer-to-Peer Supercomputing in P2P-MPI, Stéphane Genaud and Choopan Rattanapoka,
5th High Performance Grid Computing International Workshop, IPDPS conference proceedings, IEEE , Miami, April 2008.
(Refereed International Conference) [bibtex] #193 documents : download formats
P2P-MPI : A fault-tolerant Message Passing Interface Implementation for Grids., Choopan Rattanapoka,
University Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, April 2008.
(PhD thesis) [bibtex] #208 documents : download formats
Exploitation of a parallel clustering algorithm on commodity hardware with P2P-MPI, Stéphane Genaud, Pierre Gançarski, Guillaume Latu, Alexandre Blansché, Choopan Rattanapoka and Damien Vouriot,
in The Journal of SuperComputing, volume 43(1), pages 21--41, Ed. Springer, Springer, ISSN:0920-8542 (Print) January 2008.
note:Online since Friday, May 5, 2007..
(Article in an international journal) [bibtex] #188
Fault management in P2P-MPI, Stéphane Genaud and Choopan Rattanapoka,
In proceedings of International Conference on Grid and Pervasive Computing, GPC'07, LNCS, vol. 4459, Springer, Ed. C. Cérin and K.-C. Li, Paris, May 2007.
(Refereed International Conference) [bibtex] #185 documents : download formats
P2P-MPI: A Peer-to-Peer Framework for Robust Execution of Message Passing Parallel Programs on Grids, Stéphane Genaud and Choopan Rattanapoka,
in Journal of Grid Computing, volume 5(1), pages 27-42, Springer, ISSN:1570-7873 2007.
note:Online since Friday, December 15, 2006.
(Article in an international journal) [bibtex] #182 documents : download formats
Sélection de pairs et allocation de tâches dans P2P-MPI, Ghazi Bouabene,
Université Louis Pasteur, June 2006.
(Master thesis) [bibtex] #166 documents : download formats
A Peer-to-Peer Framework for Robust Execution of Message Passing Parallel Programs, Stéphane Genaud and Choopan Rattanapoka,
EuroPVM/MPI 2005, LNCS, vol. 3666, Springer-Verlag, pages 276--284, Ed. B. Di Martino et al., September 2005.
(Refereed International Conference) [bibtex] #155 documents : download formats