Parallel Adaptive Mesh Coarsening for Seismic Tomography, Marc Grunberg, Stéphane Genaud and Catherine Mongenet,
SBAC-PAD 2004, 16th Symposium on Computer Architecture
and High Performance Computing, IEEE Computer Society Press, Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil, October 2004.
(Refereed International Conference) [bibtex] #124 documents : download formats
Seismic ray-tracing and Earth mesh modeling on various parallel architectures, Marc Grunberg, Stéphane Genaud and Catherine Mongenet,
in The Journal of Supercomputing, volume 29(1), pages 27--44, Kluwer Academic Pub. - Springer, ISSN:0920-8542 July 2004.
(Article in an international journal) [bibtex] #107 documents : download formats
Geographical ISC data Characterization with Parallel Ray-tracing, Marc Grunberg, Stéphane Genaud and Michel Granet,
Eos Trans. AGU, 84(46), Fall-Meeting Suppl., Abstract S31E-0793, San Francisco, December 2003.
(International Conference) [bibtex] #113
Parallel Seismic Ray-tracing in a Global Earth Mesh, Marc Grunberg, Stéphane Genaud, Catherine Mongenet,
Proceedings of the 2002 Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA'02), pages 1151-1157,ISBN:ISBN:1-892512-89-0, Las Vegas, June 2002.
(Refereed International Conference) [bibtex] #20 documents : download formats