M. Mehrenberger and E. Violard. "A Hermite Type Adaptive
Semi-Lagrangian Scheme"
Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, Vol. 17(3),
329-334 (2007)
M. Mehrenberger, E. Violard, O. Hoenen, M. Campos Pinto and E.
Sonnendrücker. "A Parallel Adaptive Vlasov Solver Based on
Hierarchical Finite Element Interpolation"
Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, Vol. A 558,
188-191 (2006), Elsevier
Y. Sarazin, V. Grandgirard, G. Dif-Pradalier, E. Fleurance, X.
Garbet, P. Ghendrih, P. bertrand, N. Besse, N. Crouseilles, E.
Sonnendrücker, G. Latu and E. Violard. "Impact of Large Scale
Flows on Turbulent Transport"
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, Vol. 48(12B), 179-188
E. Violard. "A Semantic Framework to Address Data Locality in
Data Parallel Languages"
Parallel Computing, Vol. 30, 139-161 (2004), Elsevier
E. Violard. "A Mathematical Theory and Its Environment for
Parallel Programming"
Parallel Processing Letters, Vol. 4(3), 313-328 (1994),
World Scientific Publishing Company
E. Violard and G.-R. Perrin. "PEI: a Simple Unifying Model to
Design Parallel Programs"
Future Generation Computer Systems, Vol. 10, 269-272 (1994),
E. Violard and G.-R. Perrin. "PEI: a Language and its Refinement
Calculus for Parallel Programming"
Parallel Computing, Vol. 18, 1167-1184 (1992), Elsevier
O. Hoenen and E. Violard. "Load Balancing for a Block-Based
Parallel Adaptive 4D Vlasov Solver"
14th International EURO-PAR Conference, Las Palmas (August
2008), LNCS, Springer-Verlag
O. Hoenen and E. Violard. "A Block-Based Parallel Adaptive
Scheme for Solving The 4D Vlasov Equation"
7th International Conference on Parallel Processing and Applied
Mathematics, PPAM'07, Gdansk (2007), LNCS 4967, Springer-Verlag
O. Hoenen, M. Mehrenberger and E. Violard. "Parallelization of
an Adaptive Vlasov Solver"
Special Session of EuroPVM/MPI - Current Trends in Numerical
Simulation for Parallel Engineering Environments New Directions and
Work-in-Progress, Budapest (2004), LNCS 3241, Springer-Verlag
R. David, S. Genaud, A. Giersch, B. Schwarz and E. Violard.
"Source Code Transformations Strategies to Load-balance Grid
Third International Workshop on Grid Computing, Baltimore
(2002), LNCS 2536, Springer-Verlag
E. Violard, R. David and B. Schwarz. "Experiments in Load
Balancing Across the Grid Via a Code Transformation"
In proceedings of DAPSYS'02, Linz (October 2002)
E. Violard and F. Filbet. "Parallelization of a Vlasov Solver by
Communication Overlapping"
In proceedings of PDPTA'02, Las Vegas (June 2002)
Ph. Gerner and E. Violard. "A Theoretical Framework of Data
Parallelism and its Operational Semantics"
6th International EURO-PAR Conference, Munich (September
2000), LNCS 1900, Springer-Verlag
E. Violard. "Typechecking of PEI Expressions"
3th International EURO-PAR Conference, Passau (August 1997),
LNCS 1300, Springer-Verlag
E. Violard, S. Genaud and G.R. Perrin. "Refinement of
Data-Parallel Programs in PEI"
IFIP WG 2.1 Conference on Algorithmic Language and Calculi,
Le Bischenberg (February 1997), Chapman & Hall
S. Genaud, E. Violard and G.-R. Perrin. "Transformation
Techniques in PEI"
First International EURO-PAR Conference, Stockholm (August
1995), LNCS 966, Springer Verlag
E. Violard. "Reduction in PEI"
3th International CONPAR Conference, Linz (September 1994),
LNCS 854, Springer Verlag
E. Violard and G.-R. Perrin. "PEI: a Single Unifying Model to
Design Parallel Programs"
International PARLE Conference, Munich (June 1993), LNCS
694, Springer Verlag
Dagstuhl Seminar 9708 on Theory and Practice of High-Order Parallel Programming (February 1997)
Dagstuhl Seminar 9325 on Parallelization Techniques for Uniform Algorithms (June 1993)
O. Hoenen and E. Violard. "Parallélisation d'un solveur
adaptatif de l'équation de Vlasov"
16ème édition des Rencontres Francophones du
Parallélisme, Le Croisic (Avril 2005)
G.-R. Perrin, E. Violard and S. Genaud. "PEI: a Theoretical
Framework for Data-Parallel Programming"
Workshop Franco-Britanique "Data-Parallel Languages and
Compilers", Lille (April 1994)
E. Violard. "PEI: un modèle unificateur simple pour la
conception de programmes parallèles"
5ème édition des Rencontres Francophones du
Parallélisme, Brest (Mai 1993)
E. Violard. "Construction de programmes
parallèles par des techniques de transformations"
Habilitation à diriger des recherches, University
Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, (September 2003)
E. Violard. "Une théorie unificatrice pour la
construction de programmes parallèles par des techniques de
PhD, University of France-Comté, Besançon,
(October 1992)
O. Hoenen and E. Violard. "A Local Adaptive Algorithm for Solving the Vlasov Equation" (August 2006)
O. Hoenen and E. Violard. "An Efficient Data Structure for an Adaptive Vlasov Solver" (February 2006)
P. Gerner and E. Violard. "The Status of Non-Mandatory Directives" (September 2003)
R. David, S. Genaud, A. Giersch, E. Violard and B. Schwarz. "Source-code Transformations Strategies to Load-balance Grid Applications" (July 2002)
E. Violard, R. David and B. Schwarz. "Experiments in Load Balancing Across the Grid via a Code Transformation" (April 2002)
E. Violard and F. Filbet. "Parallelization of a Vlasov solver by communication overlapping" (March 2002)
E. Violard. "A Semantic Framework To Address Data Locality in Data Parallel Languages" (June 2001)
Ph. Gerner and E. Violard. "A Theoretical Framework of Data Parallelism and its Operational Semantics" (January 2000)
E. Violard. "What Really is Data Parallel Programming?" (January 2000)
G.-R. Perrin and E. Violard. "Data Parallelism and PEI Equational Language" (May 1999)
E. Violard. "A Formal Semantics of Data Parallel Languages" (December 1998)
E. Violard. "Asynchronous Parallel Programming in PEI" (Octobre 1997)
E. Violard. "Typechecking of PEI expressions" (February 1997)
E. Violard, S. Genaud, G.R. Perrin. "Refinement of Data-Parallel Programs in PEI" (August 1996)
E. Violard. "Data-Parallelism Versus Functional Programming : the Contribution of PEI" (January 1995)