Analog simulator commands

   1.  The following additional ":" commands are available with the
       AnaLOG simulator.

       DIM ON/OFF
                  Turn dim-unconnected-gates mode on or off.

       ERASE      Same as touching Erase on the "Scoreboard" gate.
                  If you are selecting Set and Erase often, you might
                  want to use the MACRO command to put SET and ERASE on
                  a pair of keys, for convenience.

       EXACT      Same as touching Exact on the "Scoreboard" gate.

       NEWMODEL   Set non-saving device-model mode, in which modelling
                  parameters for transistors, and simulation constants
                  such as "Vdd", are reset to their default values
                  rather than being loaded from each circuit file.

       OLDMODEL   Set the default device-model mode, in which modelling
                  parameters for transistors, and simulation constants
                  such as "Vdd", are saved in circuit files along with
                  the transistor and "Scoreboard" (NUMBERS) gates.

       PROBEPREC digits
                  Set the number of decimal digits for voltages displayed
                  by the "probe" cursor.  Default is 3.

       RELAXED    Same as touching Relaxed on the "Scoreboard" gate.

       SET        Same as touching Erase on the "Scoreboard" gate.

   2.  Also, a great many AnaLOG parameters may be set in ".CNF" files.
       These commands all begin with the prefix "32:".  Defaults appear
       in the file "models.cnf" in the analog /lib directory -- ask
       your local maintainer for details

(510) 643 4005
UC Berkeley / CS Division / 387 Soda Hall / Berkeley CA 94720