List of commands

   1.  This is a partial list of commands that may be entered in their
       full-length form (i.e., press ":", then type the command).
       Many of these commands may also appear in the file "log.cnf"
       which is read when LOG starts up.

   2.  In this list, "ON/OFF" means either the word "ON", to turn an
       option on, or "OFF", to turn an option off, or no word at all,
       to "toggle" the option between on and off.

   3.  Many commands have single-key equivalents.  The bindings shown
       here are the defaults, which may be changed by the MACRO command.

   4.  The following commands, when used in the form of single-key
       commands, may be used even in the middle of drawing a wire,
       selecting a rectangle, etc.:

           ALTPOSN       GLOW           ON               SNAP
           ARROW         GLOWSOLDER     PAGE n           TRACE
           AVOID         GRID           PROBE            TRACEFILE
           CLOSEFILES    HELP           QUIET            VERBOSE
           CONFLICT      HOME           RESET            ZOOMDN
           DOTS          INVISIBLE      RESPONSE         ZOOMUP
           DUMP          INVLABEL       SHOWCONFLICTS
           DUMPFILE      OFF            SIM/ONOFF/POWER

       Other commands will cause any other operation in progress to
       abort before the new command begins.

   5.  Here is the complete list of LOG commands:

       ABORT      (Control-C) Abort the current command, mode, or screen.

       ALTPOSN    ("," key.)  Scroll to an alternate location on the
                  page.  LOG essentially maintains two current locations
                  on the page, like the "mark" in the Emacs text editor;
                  this command exchanges them.

       ARROW      Revert to the standard arrow-shaped cursor.  This undoes
                  any previous PROBE or GRID command.

       AUTOWINDOW Toggle a new window management mode. In this mode
                  whenever text input into the newcrt window is necessary
                  the newcrt window automatically rises in front of any
		  windows that occlude it.  Once the window is  no longer
		  needed, it returns to its previous condition.  

       BOX        ("b" key.)  Draw a dashed box.

       CAT        (Shift-"C" key.)  Switch to the Catalog screen.

       CENTER     Shift the entire circuit so that it is centered in the
                  LOG circuit universe, i.e., so that a Home command will
                  home to the center of the circuit.  Note that this
                  actually moves the circuit elements, whereas scrolling
                  with the knob just changes your view on the elements.

       CLEAR      Delete the entire circuit page.  Use with caution!

                  Close the "dump" and "trace" files, if they are open.
                  These files will automatically be re-opened (for
                  appending) if they are again used.  The dump file is
                  used by the "Dump" command in the Scope.  The trace
                  file is used by various LOG debugging commands.

       CLOSEH     Enter "close-horizontal-space" mode, similar to OPENH
                  except that it deletes the contents of the box you draw
                  and shifts other things to the left.  DANGEROUS!

       CLOSEV     Enter "close-vertical-space" mode, similar to OPENV.

       CNFG       ("c" key.)  Switch gate-tapping mode to open a gate's
                  configuration screen when it is tapped.

       COLOR  screen-color  red-value  green-value  blue-value
       COLOR  color-name  screen-color
                  Customize the LOG color scheme.  LOG's colors are
                  determined in two steps.  A "palette" of up to 16
                  available colors is specified by the first form of
                  the command.  "Screen-color" is either a number from
                  0 to 15, or one of the names listed below.  Each of
                  the red, green, and blue values run from 0 (black)
                  to 255 (full intensity).  The second form of the
                  COLOR command determines which of these 16 colors
                  is used for various kinds of objects.  The color
                  names defined by LOG are listed in a later section.

                     0  GRAY     4  MRED     8  BLACK    12 DCYAN
                     1  RED      5  ORANGE   9  PINK     13 DRED
                     2  GREEN    6  CYAN     10 DYELLOW  14 LGRAY
                     3  YELLOW   7  WHITE    11 XGREEN   15 CRED

                  On eight-color screens, all sixteen names or numbers
                  may still be used; LOG combines similar colors
                  internally.  The effect will be that changing the
                  red/green/blue content of one of the above colors
                  may affect other colors as well on an 8-color screen.

       CONFLICT n
                  Turn conflict reporting on or off.  In Digital LOG,
                  node conflicts are reported if one gate tries to drive
                  a node to "1" while another is driving it to "0".
                  AnaLOG does not report conflicts.  Conflicts are
                  shown by a bright pulsating red.  If conflicts are
                  turned off, they are not visible on the screen.  If
                  an integer "n" is given, conflicts are turned on and
                  the number of time steps to wait before reporting a
                  given conflict is set to "n".  For example, if n=0,
                  conflicts are reported immediately.  For n=1, each
                  conflict must remain for at least two simulation
                  timesteps before it is considered interesting.
                  The default is conflict reporting on, with n=1.

       COPY       ("/" key.)  Enter copy-area mode.

                  Turn conflict-stopping mode on or off.  When this mode
                  is on, the simulation stops (as if you had given an
                  OFF command) the instant any conflict is reported.
                  The CONFLICT command can be used to select how long a
                  conflict must persist before it is reported.  This
                  mode is off by default.

       DEFINE     (Shift-"D" key.)  Display the simulator's definition for
                  a gate-kind, specified either on the command line or by
                  touching a representative gate.  Pressing shift-"D" in
                  the Catalog screen also displays the definition for the
                  gate the cursor is over.

       DEL        ("d" key.)  Enter delete mode.

       DOTS ON/OFF
                  Control dots-visible mode.  When this is on (default),
                  red connection dots on gates are always visible.  When
                  this is off, red dots are usually visible only on pins
                  that are not connected to wires.

       DUMP       Write out a "debugging dump" to the printer.  For LOG
                  maintainers only.

       DUMPFILE filename
                  Close any current dump file, then select "filename.text"
                  as the new dump file.  If this file already exists, new
                  text will be appended to it.

       EXAMINE    ("e" or "x" key.)  Enter Probe mode temporarily.
                  The cursor returns to normal as soon as you click the
                  right button.  This is in contrast to the PROBE command,
                  which turns the Probe cursor on until you explicitly
                  turn it off again.

       EXIT       Exit from LOG.  Also in the Misc menu, or on the Shift-Q,
                  Shift-Z, and Control-D keys.

       EXTRACT    Delete and re-paste the entire contents of the page.  If
                  LOG's electrical connectivity information becomes corrupt,
                  this will usually fix it.

       FAST       ("f" key.)  Turn on fast mode.  This happens
                  automatically after a certain amount of time passes with
                  no mouse or keyboard inputs.

       GET gatename gatename gatename ...
                  Load the specified gates into the Catalog screen from
                  the gate library.  The gate names may include wildcard
                  characters '*' and '?'.

       GLOW ON/OFF
                  ("g" key.)  Turn glow mode on or off.

                  Turn glowing-solder mode on or off.  This controls
                  whether solder dots are visible while in GLOW mode.
                  It is on by default; turning glowing-solder off may
                  improve simulation performance in GLOW mode.

       GRID       (Shift-"G" key.)  Change the cursor to a cross-hair
                  shape.  If the cursor is already a cross-hair, change
                  it back to the regular arrow cursor.

       GROUP n "Name"
                  Set the name that appears on the top of page number "n"
                  of the Library screen.  The number "n" must be from 0
                  to 8.  If the "Name" argument is omitted, this command
                  instead selects which page number the Library screen
                  will display next time it is entered.

       HELP       ("?" key.)  Display this file using the Chipmunk
                  Help System.

       HOME       ("h" key.)  Reset the scroll and zoom amounts to the
                  default position on the page.

       IDENTIFY   Used by the LOG-to-NTK conversion tool.

                  ("i" key.)  Turn "Invisible" mode on or off.  In this
                  mode, wires and most gates are invisible.  However, labels,
                  boxes, and switch/indicator gates are visible.  Also,
                  operations that edit the circuit are disallowed.  Thus,
                  a user can switch into Invisible mode and then operate a
                  simulated "front panel" without confusion or fear of
                  changing the circuit.

                  (Shift-"I" key.)  Turn "Invisible Labels" mode on or
                  off.  In this mode, labels and boxes are invisible.

       LABEL message
                  ("l" key.)  Create a new label on the page.  If a
                  "message" argument is supplied, a label with the
                  specified text is created on the lower-left corner of
                  the screen.  If no argument is supplied, LOG interactively
                  enters the text for the label.

       LIBRARY    ("l" key or LIBR item in the Catalog screen.)  Switch
                  directly to the Gate Library screen.

       LOAD filename
                  (Shift-"L" key.)  Load the specified circuit file onto
                  the current page, replacing anything that was on that
                  page before.  If no file name is specified, LOG displays
                  a list of files in the current directory and asks the
                  user to select one, or type the name.  If the file name
                  is '*', LOG simply asks the user to type the name.  The
                  shift-L key is bound to "LOAD *".

       LOGNTK     Start the LOG-to-NTK conversion tool.

       LOGNTK: parameter value
                  Set up a configuration parameter for the LOGNTK tool.
                  Commands of this form usually appear in the file

       LPLOT: parameter value
                  Set up a configuration parameter for the PLOT tool.
                  Commands of this form usually appear in the file

       MACRO  key-name  command
                  Associate the specified command with a key.  The key-name
                  may be a single letter or other character (lower-case
                  letters represent unshifted keys; upper-case letters
                  represent shifted keys); or one of the words "bs", "tab",
                  "sp" (space bar), or "cr" (Return or Enter); or a control
                  key of the form "^A" or "^["; or a three-digit decimal
                  ASCII code.  The "command" may be any of the commands
                  listed here, and may include arguments.  If you give only
                  a key-name, the computer displays the command that is
                  currently bound to the key.  MACRO with no arguments
                  displays a list of all current key bindings.

       MAKE gate-name
                  Bring a gate in from the catalog by name, and put it in
                  the drawing area.  A shorthand for using the mouse in the
                  the CAT and LIBR screens.  If the gate-name contains
                  wildcard characters, multiple gates may be loaded into
                  the Catalog but only one of them will be created on the
                  circuit page.

                  ("m" key.)  Turn printing markers on or off.  The
                  printing markers are used mainly by the "PLOT" command;
                  they indicate the area of the circuit page which is to
                  be fitted into the printed page.  The printing markers
                  appear on the corners of the visible screen, and you
                  can move them by regular editing operations to bracket
                  any rectangular area of the page.

       MESSAGE message
                  Display the specified message in the "message area" of
                  the screen.  The message area runs down the left edge
                  of the screen; messages are drawn in yellow overlaying
                  the drawing area.

       MIRX       Select "mirror-in-X" gate-tapping mode.  When a gate is
                  tapped in this mode, it is flipped across its vertical
                  axis.  This works both in the menu area and in the
                  drawing area, although some gates (such as switches)
                  have special behaviors when tapped in the drawing area.

       MIRY       Select "mirror-in-Y" gate-tapping mode.

       MOVE       ("m" key.)  Move an area of the diagram.  This is
                  similar to deleting the area with DEL, then pasting
                  it back in a new location with PASTE.

       NAME file-name
                  See and/or change the "current file name" for the
                  circuit page.  This is the file name that will be
                  used by default in later "SAVE" commands.

       OFF        Turn simulation OFF.

       ON         Turn simulation ON.

       OPENH      Enter open-horizontal-area mode.  Sweep out a rectangle;
                  everything to the right of the lefthand edge of the
                  rectangle is moved to the right by the amount of the
                  width of the rectangle.  Wires straddling the left edge
                  are stretched appropriately.  BEWARE:  This command
                  may corrupt the LOG data structures if used in such a
                  way as to break or make electrical connections in the
                  circuit.  Unless you really know what you are doing,
                  use the cut-and-paste method of moving things.

       OPENV      Enter open-vertical-area mode, similar to OPENH.

       PAGE n     Switch the display to circuit page "n", from 1 to 9.
                  "n" may also be "+" or "-", to switch to the next or
                  previous numbered page.

       PASTE      Enter Paste mode.

       PLOT       Run the circuit plotting tool.

       POPUP  menu  position  kind  command  message
                  Change one of the locations in the pop-up menus.  "Menu"
                  is a number that selects which menu (1=Frills, 2=Editing,
                  3=Cursor, 4=Misc); "position" is an integer from 1 to 8
                  that identifies which spot in the menu:   [ 1  3  5  7 ]
                                                            [ 2  4  6  8 ]
                  "Kind" is normally zero; "command" is the command (from
                  this list) that is to be executed if the menu is selected,
                  enclosed in "quotes" if it contains spaces; and "message"
                  is the wording for that menu element.  If "message" begins
                  with '*' or '#', it will be colored red or light blue,
                  otherwise it will be green.

       PROBE      ("." key.)  Change to the Probe cursor.  If already
                  using the Probe cursor, change back to an arrow.  In
                  Probe mode, holding the cursor near a wire or gate pin
                  displays the value on that electrical node, in a
                  simulator-dependent way.  Holding the cursor near a
                  gate in the drawing or menu areas displays the name
                  of the gate on the screen.  Tapping a gate or node
                  opens it for configuring, if it has anything to
                  configure.  (Neither AnaLOG nor Digital LOG nodes
                  are configurable, but many gates are.)  Tapping and
                  configuring a gate in the menu area sets the defaults
                  for newly created gates pulled out of that menu slot.
                  Finally, tapping out in the drawing area draws a
                  yardstick.  See also the EXAMINE command (on the
                  "e" and "x" keys) which selects a temporary
                  Probe mode.

       QUIET      ("q" key.)  Turn sound prompting on or off.

       READ  filename
                  Read in a circuit from a file.  This is similar to the
                  LOAD command, but it rebuilds the circuit's connectivity
                  information as it loads, rather than simply reading it
                  from the file.  As a result, READ is much slower than
                  LOAD, but it is far more robust in case the file is
                  corrupt or out of date.  For example, if you run LOGED
                  and add more pins to a gate, then try to LOAD a circuit
                  diagram containing that gate, LOG may crash since the
                  connectivity recorded in the file is out of date.  But
                  the READ command will read the file with no problems.
                  In general, use the fast LOAD command unless you have
                  a good reason not to.

       REFRESH    (Space bar.)  Refresh the screen.

       RESET      (Shift-"R" key.)  Send a Reset signal to the simulator(s).
                  This resets simulation time back to zero, and has other
                  simulator-dependent effects.  For AnaLOG, it resets all
                  voltages to their initial values.  For Digital LOG,
                  nothing happens except that the TO/FROM signal "Reset",
                  if used, gets a brief "1" pulse.

       RESPONSE  min  max  rate
                  Set response-time parameters.  With no arguments,
                  displays current parameters.  Initial values are
                  2, 50, and 35, respectively.  During editing, LOG
                  tries to check the mouse and keyboard at least every
                  "min" centi-seconds.  If the user stops editing,
                  this rate slowly increases until the maximum of
                  "max" centi-seconds.  The rate of increase is
                  one unit per "rate" centi-seconds of idle time.

       ROT        Select "Rotate by 90 degrees" gate-tapping mode.  When
                  a gate is tapped in this mode, it rotates 90 degrees
                  counter-clockwise.  This works both in the menu area and
                  in the drawing area, although some gates (such as
                  switches) have special behaviors when tapped in the
                  drawing area.

       SAVE filename
                  Save circuit page(s).  If a name is given, saves the
                  current page in "name.LGF".  If the name is "*", prompts
                  the user to enter the name to save.  If no name is
                  given, re-saves all circuit pages which have been
                  since last saved or loaded.  Shift-"S" is bound
                  to "SAVE *".

       SCOPE      ("s" key.)  Switches to the Scope screen.

       SHELL shell-command    ( or:  !shell-command )
                  (Also, "!" as a single-key command.)  Start a sub-Shell.
                  If a shell-command is provided the shell executes this
                  one command and returns.  If no shell-command is provided,
                  you get an interactive sub-shell.  Type quit or press
                  control-D to return from the sub-shell.

                  ("k" key.)  Turn "ShowConflicts" mode on or off (toggling).
                  Default is off.  In this mode, wires and most gates are
                  invisible, similar to invisible mode.
                  However, nodes that are in conflict remain visible to
                  aid their identification.

       SIM (or ONOFF or POWER)
                  Turn simulation ON or OFF (toggling).

       SNAP       ("$" key.)  Turn "snap-to-grid" mode on or off.  Default
                  is off.  In this mode, the cursor arrow always jumps
                  to the nearest spot on the LOG editing grid rather
                  than moving smoothly.

       STATUS     Enter the "Status" display.  Use the knob or arrow
                  keys to switch among various pages.  A page-name may
                  also be given with the STATUS command:

                        LOG      General system status
                        MEMORY   Memory usage status
                        MACRO    Keyboard mappings
                        16       Digital simulator
                        32       Analog simulator
                        LPLOT    Plotting tool
                        LOGNTK   LOG-to-NTK tool

       STEP n     Turn simulation OFF, if necessary, then step the
                  simulation by one time-step.  If an integer "n" is
                  provided, executes "n" time-steps before stopping.

       TAPMODE    (menu selection, or shift-"M" key.)  Select the next
                  gate-tapping mode, in order:  ROT, MIRX, MIRY, CNFG.

       TOOL name  Send a "select" command to the specified tool.  Various
                  tools respond to this in various ways; the default is
                  to ignore the signal.  (The Digital LOG simulator, tool
                  name "16", responds by putting up a configuration
                  screen of digital-LOG parameters.)  If a TOOL command
                  is given with no "name" argument, it puts up a screen of
                  available tool names and "selects" whatever tool the
                  user chooses with the mouse.  The shift-"T" key calls
                  up an interactive TOOL command.

       TRACE      Turn the debugging "wallpaper" mode on or off.  Please
                  don't do this unless a LOG maintainer is there.  Trace
                  output goes to the "Trace" file, which by default is an
                  appropriate printer.

       TRACEFILE filename
                  Close any current trace file, then select "filename.text"
                  as the new trace file.  If this file already exists, new
                  text will be appended to it.

       VERBOSE    ("v" key.)  Turn informational messages on or off.  These
                  messages are mostly of the "Glow mode is now OFF"

       VMESSAGE   Similar to MESSAGE, but works only if in
                  Verbose mode.

       YARDSTICK  Draw a "yardstick", useful for measuring the spacing of
                  objects in your diagram.

       ZOOMDN     Zoom down, to view more of the circuit page.

       ZOOMUP     Zoom up, to view part of the circuit in greater

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