B. Meister, "Localité de données et compression mémoire dans les opérations stencil", A set of independent methods for improving data locality, extracting communication-free parallelism, and reducing the amount of required memory in stencil-like operations, January 2002, revised March 2002. french text.
B. Meister,V. Loechner and Ph. Clauss, "The Polytope Model for Optimizing Cache Locality", an attempt to improve temporal and spatial locality for loop nest with non-uniform reuse (dependence) functions, [ICPS RR 00-03].
B. Meister, "De l'utilisation des périodiques dans les problèmes polyédriques en nombres entiers". A study of periodics, generalizing periodic numbers. Here we try to show the link between integer linear problems and periodics, as it exists in Ehrhart Polynomials. Updated some times since the end of 2002. French text, translated into english in "Using periodics in integer polyhedral problems".
B. Meister, "On a matrix decomposition" (PS.GZ / PDF), where we decompose, by two slightly different manners, an integral full row rank matrix into a product of diagonal and unimodular integral matrices. Implemented in C using polylib : available here. March 2002, rev. April 2002.
Last Update: 9 October 2005