- Pôle API
- Boulevard Sébastien Brant
- F-67400 ILLKIRCH
- E-mail : irina@icps.u-strasbg.fr
- Phone : (+33) 03 90 24 45 46
- Fax : (+33) 03 90 24 45 47
area] [Curriculum Vitae]
] [Scientific links]
Solving of system of integer inequalities - Compilation and optimization of programs - Noncommutative and Anticommutative Groebner Bases Method - Algebraic Geometry -
Automatically theorem prooving
I am a PhD student since october 2002 at the ICPS (Image and Parallel Computing)
Laboratory in Strasbourg. I use to work with Philippe Clauss, my PhD director.
The full version of my CV
is avaliable here.
- Ph. Clauss and Irina Tchoupaeva, A Symbolic Approach to Bernstein Expansion
for Program Analysis and Optimization, 13th International Conference on
Compiler Construction, CC 2004, . March 29-April 2, 2004, Barcelona, Spain.
- Ph. Clauss and I. Tchoupaeva A Symbolic Approach To Bernstein Expansion (in russian),
in Programmirovanie (Programming and Computer Software), Vol. 30, No. 3, 2004, Russian Academy of Sciences,
Nauka, Moscow.
- Analysis of geometrical theorems in coordinate-free form by using anticommutative Gröbner bases - proceeding of the
The Fourth International Workshop on Automated Deduction in Geometry ,
2002, September 4 - 6 , Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, Austria,
RISC-Linz, Schloss Hagenberg
Noncommutative Gröbner Bases and Proving of Geometrical Theorems in Coordinate Free Form - proceeding of the
Workshop on Under- and Over-Determined Systems of Algebraic or Differential Equations
2002, March 18 - 19 , Karlsruhe, Germany
Application of Methods of Noncommutative Gröbner Bases to the Proof of Geometrical Statements Given in Noncoordinate Form - proceeding of the
International Workshop on Computer Algebra and its Application to Physics (CAAP-2001),
2001, June 28-30 , Dubna, Russia
Universities and instituts
- Lomonosov Moscow State University
Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics
- Laboratory of Computational Methods
of Department of Mechanics and Mathematics
of Lomonosov Moscow State University
- Computer Algebra
at JINR, Dubna
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