Stéphane Genaud

aqua flat
Bd S. Brant
67400 Illkirch, France
genaud at
tel: (+33)(0)390244542
fax: (+33)(0)390244547
EM Strasbourg
Avenue de la Forêt Noire
67000 Strasbourg, France
stephane.genaud at
tel: (+33)(0)390244542
fax: (+33)(0)390244547
Yes, it's me

Curriculum Vitae

Assistant professor in computer science at the University of Strasbourg since 1998.

Previously, (09/2007-08/2009), visiting researcher at the INRIA Nancy - Grand Est center, in the AlGorille team.
I am an associate member of AlGorille (See my page there for related information)

Research area

Grid computing - I manage the TAG project. The project started in July 2001 and aims at developping techniques needed to improve and ease the use of applications on computational grids.

We have first focused on source code transformations on MPI applications designed for paralell computers so as to enable their executions on computational Grids. The objective is to improve performances of some test-case applications when porting them to such heterogeneous environments. Experimental results with Globus have been reported papers.

Another activity is the development of our own Grid middleware named P2P-MPI. P2P-MPI gives its users the ability to transparently find processors to run their parallel applications. The application must be developed in Java, using the P2P-MPI message passing library which conforms MPJ. P2P-MPI is oriented to desktop grids: no admin privilege is needed to install or run it. Further, a transparent mechanism for fault-tolerance through replication of processes is integrated to make applications more robust.

Parallel applications - I participate to the development of a high performance set of software tools for seismic tomography : ray2mesh (short or long description). The objective is to compute a realistic Earth model using seismic tomography. We use massive quantities of seismic waves records to ray-trace waves propagation inside a global Earth mesh with thin cells. We then refine the mesh by adapting cell sizes to improve the information quantity and quality contained in each cell.

Papers - Most representative of my current research are those selected papers. A complete list is here.


There are some courses material here.

Public key

My public key is here.

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