Introduction to Loged

   1.  The LOGED program is responsible for maintaining the libraries of
       gates stored in .GATE files.  When LOG starts, the GATES commands
       in its configuration file specify which gate libraries to use.

   2.  The "loged" command may be given by itself or with a the name of
       a file to load initially.  Additional arguments are interpreted
       as they would be for a LOAD command, as a list of gates to load
       from the file.  Note that in LOGED terms, a "gate" is a kind of
       gate, such as NAND or 74138, not an instance of the gate-kind.

       To facilitate scripted LOGED operations, a -p switch may be
       provided as the first argument to LOGED.  This directs the program
       to read commands from the standard input instead of the newcrt window.

   3.  To exit LOGED, type QUIT.  You will be given a chance to save the
       gates in memory if they have been modified.  If the gates came from
       one file originally, LOGED uses that name.  Otherwise, if no file
       was loaded or several files were mixed together, LOGED prompts for
       the file name to use.

   4.  At any time in LOGED there is a "current gate."  Many commands
       operate on the current gate.  The GATE, NEXT or PREV commands can
       be used to select the current gate.  LOGED stores the following
       information for each gate:

          a. The name of the gate, up to eight characters (uppercase).
          b. The group number (library-screen page number), from 0 to 8.
          c. The gate's picture, including pins and grab box.
          d. The "simtype" number, telling which simulator "owns" the gate.
          e. The gate's definition or program, simulator-dependent.
          f. Connectivity information in case pins are hard-wired together.
          g. Miscellaneous flags affecting LOG's treatment of the gate.
          h. The gate's labels screen, shown when configuring the gate.

       Various commands described below manipulate all these parameters
       for the current gate.

   5.  Many commands accept gate-name arguments which may include
       wildcard characters.  The '.' and '*' characters stand for exactly
       one, or zero or more, characters respectively.  Use '%' or '?'
       (respectively) instead for wildcards which prompt yes-or-no for
       each potential match.  A terminating ';' followed by digits
       matches only gates in the groups specified.  For example, the
       pattern 'a*bc;23' matches only gates whose names begin with 'a'
       and end with 'bc', and which are in groups 2 or 3.  If a list of
       several names is given separated by spaces, gates which match
       any of those names are accepted.

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