List of Commands

   1.  A complete list of LOGED top-level commands follows.  Some
       commands are discussed in detail in later sections.

   2.  Command and gate names are case-insensitive.  Commands can
       usually be abbreviated to one or two letters.

   3.  In addition to these commands, you can execute any Shell
       command by preceding it with a '!' character, or enter an
       interactive sub-shell by typing '!' alone.  Type QUIT to
       the sub-shell to return to LOGED.

       CONNECT  num num num ...
                  Connect the specified pins together in the current
                  gate.  When an instance of the gate is made in LOG,
                  these pins will be forced to the same electrical node.
                  For example, the CROSS gates in the standard library
                  emulate crossing wires by having pairs of connected
                  pins.  The pins of a gate are divided into connectivity
                  classes; initially every pin is in its own class.  The
                  CONNECT command with two or more numbers joins the
                  classes of the specified pins.  CONNECT with one pin
                  number unconnects the pin, splitting it back into its
                  own class.  CONNECT with no arguments displays the
                  current connectivity of the gate.

       COPY  new-name
                  Make a copy of the current gate under the specified
                  name.  All aspects of that gate are identical to the
                  current gate, except the name.  The new copy becomes
                  the new current gate.

       DEF        Edit the simulator's definition for this gate.  Exact
                  effect depends upon the current simtype of the gate.
                  This command only works of the relevant simulator is
                  available.  The type 0, 1, and 7 DEF commands always
                  work; type 16 and 32 commands work only if DIGLOG or
                  ANALOG have been permed, respectively.  (Note that
                  ANALOG actually supports both simulators.)

       DELETE     Delete the current gate.  Given a name, deletes all
                  gates which match the name.

       DO  name  command-line
                  For each gate that matches the specified name, make
                  it the current gate and execute the LOGED command
                  shown.  This command must not delete or rename the
                  gate; to delete multiple gates, use DELETE directly.

       DRAW       Edit the current gate's picture.  Defined below.

       DUMP       Print a "data sheet" for the current gate on the laser
                  printer.  If a file name is given, the PostScript for
                  the data sheet is written to the file.

       EDIT       Edit the current gate's information using the text
                  editor, CAGED.  Given a name, edits all gates which
                  match the name.  The information is written into a
                  temporary text file as if by the WRITE command;
                  CAGED is run on the file; when the editor returns,
                  the file is reloaded as if by a READ command.

       FLAG  flag-name
                  Turn the specified flag on or off for the current gate.
                  Flag names are case-insensitive and may be abbreviated.

                        NOFLIP   This disables flipping or rotation of
                                 the gate.  Tapping on the gate always
                                 acts as if CNFG mode were selected.

                        TOGGLE   The gate is a toggle switch.  When an
                                 instance is tapped, it always mirrors
                                 about its (original) y-axis.  The gate
                                 can still be rotated in the menu area.

                        VISIBLE  The gate is visible even in Invisible
                                 gates mode.

                        NAMED    The gate has an editable signal name,
                                 like TO or FROM.  Should be used only
                                 for simtype 1 gates.

                        NRIGHT   The gate's name is on the right, as in
                                 the TO gate.  Used with NAMED, above.

                        NOSOLDER When plotted, the gate should not have
                                 solder blobs added for T-connections
                                 involving the pins.

                        USER1    A user-definable flag.  A simulator, tool,
                                 or individual gate program can interpret
                                 this flag in any way desired.  Currently,
                                 this flag is unused.

                        USER2    Another user-definable flag.

                  With no argument, this command just displays the current
                  flag settings.

       GATE       Switch to a new current gate.  If the specified gate does
                  not exist, a new "blank" gate is created.  (Often it is
                  easier to create a new gate by copying an existing,
                  similar one.)  The NEXT command can be used to switch to
                  a new gate with no danger of accidentally creating one.

       GROUP n    Set the current gate's group number to "n", an integer
                  from 0 to 8.  With no argument, displays the current
                  group number.  The group number determines which
                  library page the gate appears in.  Group numbers for
                  the standard libraries are:

                        0        General-purpose gates
                        1        Generic digital gates
                        2        7400's series digital gates
                        3        (unassigned)
                        4        Analog gates
                        5        Digital VLSI gates
                        6        Digital ACTEL gates
                        7        (unassigned)
                        8        (obsolete gates)

       HELP       Run the Chipmunk Help System on this help file.

       LABEL      Edit the current gate's labels and attributes.  See

       LIB        Display a list of all gates, or the gates which match
                  the specified names.

       LOAD  file-name  gate-name gate-name ...
                  Load the gates in a file into memory.  If gate-names are
                  specified, only those gates which match the names are
                  loaded.  By default a ".gate" extension is added to the
                  name; to load from a textual file, specify ".text"

       MEMORY     Display the amount of memory free.

       NEXT       Switch to the next gate in alphabetical order, or to the
                  next gate which matches the specified name.

       PREV       Switch to the previous gate in alphabetical order, or to
                  the previous gate that matches the specified name.

       QUIT       (or EXIT.)  Leave the LOGED program.  If any gates have
                  been changed, you are given the option to save them first.

       READ       Much the same as LOAD, except the default file name
                  extension is ".def", typically a file written by the
                  "Write" option of the digital hierarchy compiler.

       RENAME  new-name
                  Change the name of the current gate to the new name.
                  If a gate by that name already exists in memory, you
                  are given the option to replace it.

       SAVE  file-name  gate-name gate-name ...
                  Save all gates in memory, or only the specified gates,
                  into a file.  With no arguments, saves all gates back
                  into the original file.  A ".gate" extension is appended
                  by default.  If the extension is not ".gate", the file
                  is written in a textual format readable by humans.

       SIMTYPE n  Set the simulator number of the gate to "n".  This is
                  an integer from 0 to 255 which identifies the simulator
                  responsible for the gate.  Currently assigned simtypes

                        0        General-purpose, "inert" gates.  Used
                                 labelling (e.g., ARROW) and connection
                                 (e.g., CRUNCH) gates.

                        1        Signal-name gates.  Pin 1 of the gate
                                 is connected to a certain signal name,
                                 which is either hard-wired (as in VDD
                                 and GND) or configurable (as in TO
                                 and FROM).

                        7        Self-sufficient Pascal gates.  The
                                 code which defines this gate is given
                                 complete access to LOG's simulator
                                 interface.  For example, the TIME gate
                                 is a general-purpose simulation timing
                                 and performance monitor.

                        16       Digital gates.  Simulation definition
                                 is written in a simple language specific
                                 to the digital simulator.  This language
                                 includes a CALL statement for calling
                                 more general Pascal procedures to
                                 simulate the gate.

                        32       Analog gates.  Definition consists of
                                 the name of a Pascal procedure for
                                 simulating the gate.

                        33       Analog current-mode simtype.  This type
                                 is used internally by the analog simulator
                                 to support current meters.

                  The gate's simtype defines which procedure is called
                  when you give a DEF command.  This command is defined
                  in greater detail below.

       WRITE      Similar to SAVE, except the default file extension is
                  ".text", and if no arguments are given, the current
                  gate is saved in a file named after the gate.

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UC Berkeley / CS Division / 387 Soda Hall / Berkeley CA 94720