Compiling Wolcomp

This document assumes that you have successfully compiled the Psys libraries. This document also assumes that you have uncompressed and untarred the Wolcomp file, and installed it in the chipmunk directory. Note that Wolcomp has not been ported to OS/2.

Begin by descending to the wolcomp directory. Edit the file Makefile, and make any necessary changes. Comments in Makefile will guide you through these changes; the changes are labeled with the markers (1), (2), (3), etc. Once these changes are made, execute the command

make install

If things are working correctly, a long series of compilations, linkings, and file movements should occur without error. The Wolcomp library wolcomp.a is now ready to be included in cell compilers. To learn more about using wolcomp, see the user documentation.

If you have problems compiling or using wolcomp, I'd be happy to offer suggestions; press here for more information about asking for help.

UC Berkeley / CS Division / 387 Soda Hall / Berkeley CA 94720