Books or books chapters
A Peer-to-Peer Framework for Message Passing Parallel Programs, Stéphane Genaud and Choopan Rattanapoka,
in Parallel Programming, Models and Applications in Grid and P2P Systems , vol. 17, pages 118--147, Ed. Fatos Xhafa, Advances in Parallel Computing,IOS Press, ISBN:978-1-60750-004-9, June 2009.
(A chapter in a book) [bibtex] #216
Loop Parallelization Algorithms, Alain Darte, Yves Robert, and Frédéric Vivien,
in Compiler Optimizations for Scalable Parallel Systems, vol. 1808, pages 141-171, Ed. Dharma P. Agrawal and Santosh Pande, Springer-Verlag, 2001.
(A chapter in a book) [bibtex] #58 document : [link]
Scheduling and Automatic Parallelization, Alain Darte, Yves Robert, and Frederic Vivien,
Bikhauser Boston, ISBN:0-8176-4149-1, 2000.
(Book) [bibtex] #14 document : [link]
Les langages de programmation parallèle et leurs compilateurs, P. Feautrier, G.R. Perrin,
chapter XIII, in Ordinateurs et Calcul Parallèles, vol. 8, pages 231-253,OFTA, série ARAGO, April 1997.
(A chapter in a book) [bibtex] #35
Articles in journals
Fault management in P2P-MPI, Stéphane Genaud, Emmanuel Jeannot, Choopan Rattanapoka,
in International Journal of Parallel Programming, volume 37(5), pages 433--461, Springer, August 2009.
(Article in an international journal) [bibtex] #217
Symbolic Polynomial Maximization over Convex Sets and its Application to Memory Requirement Estimation, Philippe Clauss, Federico Javier Fernandez, Diego Gabervetsky and Sven Verdoolaege,
in IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, volume 17(8), pages 983-996, IEEE, ISSN:1063-8210 August 2009.
(Article in an international journal) [bibtex] #207
A Meta-predictor Framework for Prefetching in Object-based DSMs, Jean Christophe Beyler, Michael Klemm, Philippe Clauss and Michael Philippsen,
in Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, , John Wiley and Sons Ltd, 2009.
(Article in an international journal) [bibtex] #209
Exploitation of a parallel clustering algorithm on commodity hardware with P2P-MPI, Stéphane Genaud, Pierre Gançarski, Guillaume Latu, Alexandre Blansché, Choopan Rattanapoka and Damien Vouriot,
in The Journal of SuperComputing, volume 43(1), pages 21--41, Ed. Springer, Springer, ISSN:0920-8542 (Print) January 2008.
note:Online since Friday, May 5, 2007..
(Article in an international journal) [bibtex] #188
Global full-f gyrokinetic simulations of plasma turbulence, V. GRANDGIRARD, Y. SARAZIN, P. ANGELINO, B. ALBERTO, N. CROUSEILLES, G. DARMET, G. DIF-PRALADIER, X. GARBET, P. GHENDRIH, S. JOL,
in Plasma physics and controlled fusion, , December 2007.
(Article in an international journal) [bibtex] #198
Counting integer points in parametric polytopes using Barvinok's rational functions, Sven Verdoolaege, Rachid Seghir, Kristof Beyls, Vincent Loechner and Maurice Bruynooghe,
in Algorithmica, volume 48(1), pages 37--66, Springer New York, May 2007.
(Article in an international journal) [bibtex] #162
P2P-MPI: A Peer-to-Peer Framework for Robust Execution of Message Passing Parallel Programs on Grids, Stéphane Genaud and Choopan Rattanapoka,
in Journal of Grid Computing, volume 5(1), pages 27-42, Springer, ISSN:1570-7873 2007.
note:Online since Friday, December 15, 2006.
(Article in an international journal) [bibtex] #182
A parallel adaptive Vlasov solver based on hierarchical finite element interpolation, Michel Mehrenberger, Eric Violard, Olivier Hoenen, Martin Campos Pinto and Eric Sonnendrücker,
in Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, volume 558(1), pages 188-191, Elsevier, March 2006.
(Article in an international journal) [bibtex] #211 document : [link]
Scheduling tasks sharing files on heterogeneous master-slave platforms, Arnaud Giersch, Yves Robert, and Frédéric Vivien,
in Journal of Systems Architecture, special issue on Parallel, Distributed and Network-based Processing, volume 52(2), pages 88-104, Elsevier, February 2006.
(Article in an international journal) [bibtex] #148
Efficient and Effective Array Bound Checking, T.V.N. Nguyen and F. Irigoin,
in ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems, volume 27(3), ACM, May 2005.
(Article in an international journal) [bibtex] #129
Calcul de rais en tomographie sismique : exploitation sur la grille, Stéphane Genaud and Marc Grunberg,
in Technique et Science Informatiques, volume 24(5), pages 591--608, Hermès-Lavoisier, 2005.
note:Numéro thématique RenPar'15.
(Article in a national journal) [bibtex] #146 document : [link]
Load-balancing scatter operations for grid computing, Stéphane Genaud and Arnaud Giersch, and Frédéric Vivien,
in Parallel Computing, volume 30(8), pages 923--946, North-Holland Elsevier, ISSN:0167-8191 August 2004.
(Article in an international journal) [bibtex] #125
Seismic ray-tracing and Earth mesh modeling on various parallel architectures, Marc Grunberg, Stéphane Genaud and Catherine Mongenet,
in The Journal of Supercomputing, volume 29(1), pages 27--44, Kluwer Academic Pub. - Springer, ISSN:0920-8542 July 2004.
(Article in an international journal) [bibtex] #107
A semantic framework to address data locality in data parallel languages, Eric Violard,
in Parallel Computing, volume 30(1), pages 139--161, Elsevier B.V., January 2004.
(Article in an international journal) [bibtex] #123
A Symbolic Approach To Bernstein Expansion (in russian), Ph. Clauss and I. Tchoupaeva,
in Programmirovanie (Programming and Computer Software), volume 30(3), Ed. Ivannikov, V.P., Nauka, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, ISSN:0132-3474 2004.
(Article in a national journal) [bibtex] #117
Alias verification for Fortran code optimization (extended version), T.V.N. Nguyen and F. Irigoin,
in Journal of Universal Computer Science, volume 9(3), pages 270-298, Springer-Verlag, April 2003.
(Article in an international journal) [bibtex] #131
Sequencing Fortran Program Array Verifications, T.V.N. Nguyen,
in ACM Fortran Forum journal, volume 22(1), pages 8-10, April 2003.
(Article in an international journal) [bibtex] #130
Constructing and exploiting linear schedules with prescribed parallelism, Alain Darte, Robert Schreiber, B. Ramakrishna Rau, and Frédéric Vivien,
in ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems, volume 7(1), pages 159-172, ACM, January 2002.
(Article in an international journal) [bibtex] #23 document : [link]
Precise data locality optimization of nested loops, Vincent Loechner, Benoît Meister and Philippe Clauss,
in The Journal of Supercomputing, volume 21(1), pages 37--76, Kluwer Academic Pub., January 2002.
(Article in an international journal) [bibtex] #21
Alias verification for Fortran code optimization, T.V.N. Nguyen and F. Irigoin,
in Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, volume 65(2), Elsevier Science, 2002.
(Article in an international journal) [bibtex] #134
Density of points clustering, application to transcriptomic data analysis., Nicolas Wicker, Doulaye Dembele, Wolfgang Raffelsberger and Olivier Poch.,
in Nucleic Acids Research, volume 30, pages 3392-4000, 2002.
(Article in an international journal) [bibtex] #68 document : [link]
Parallélisation de l'évolution différentielle pour le recalage rigide d'images médicales volumiques, Michel Salomon,
in Technique et science informatiques, volume 20(5), pages 605-627, 2001.
note:(Numéro thématique RenPar'2000). French text..
(Article in a national journal) [bibtex] #78
Secator: A Program for Inferring Protein Subfamilies from Phylogenetic Trees, Nicolas Wicker, Guy Rene Perrin, Jean-Claude Thierry and Olivier Poch.,
in Mol. Biol. Evol., volume 18, pages 1435-1441, 2001.
(Article in an international journal) [bibtex] #67
Memory Cost Due to Anticipated Broadcast, V. Loechner and C. Mongenet,
in Parallel Processing Letters, Special issue on Compilers for Parallel Computers, volume 10(2 and 3), June 2000.
(Article in an international journal) [bibtex] #17
Communication Optimization for AffineRecurrence Equations using Broadcast and Locality, V. Loechner and C. Mongenet,
in Int. J. of Parallel Programming, volume 28(1), February 2000.
(Article in an international journal) [bibtex] #10
Automatic Memory Layout Transformation to Optimize Spatial Locality in Parameterized Loop Nests, Ph. Clauss and B. Meister,
in ACM SIGARCH, Computer Architecture News, volume 28(1), ACM, 2000.
(Article in an international journal) [bibtex] #9
Sparse Computation with PEI, F. Voisin and G-R Perrin,
in International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, volume 10(4), pages 425, December 1999.
(Article in an international journal) [bibtex] #26
Algorthmic Issues on Heterogeneous Computing Platforms, Pierre Boulet, Jack Dongarra, Fabrice Rastello, Yves Robert, and Frédéric Vivien,
in Parallel Processing Letters, volume 9(2), pages 197-213, June 1999.
(Article in an international journal) [bibtex] #41
Static tiling for heterogeneous computing systems, Pierre Boulet, Jack Dongarra, Yves Robert, and Frédéric Vivien,
in Parallel Computing, volume 25(5), pages 547-568, North-Holland Elsevier, May 1999.
(Article in an international journal) [bibtex] #42
A Parallel Algorithm to Reconstruct Bounding Surfaces in 3D Images, Frédéric Mabin and Catherine Mongenet,
in The Journal of Supercomputing, volume 1(12), pages 137-155, Kluwer, January 1998.
(Article in an international journal) [bibtex] #77
Parametric Analysis of Polyhedral Iteration Spaces, Ph. Clauss and V. Loechner,
in Journal of VLSI Signal Processing, volume 19(2), Kluwer Academic Pub., 1998.
(Article in an international journal) [bibtex] #54
Sur les extensions et les utilisations en Informatique d'un résultat Mathématique : Les polynômes d'Ehrhart, Ph. Clauss,
in Bulletin de l'APMEP (Association Française des Professeurs de Mathématiques de l'Enseignement Public), (418-419), 1998.
(Article in a national journal) [bibtex] #55
Affine Dependence Classification for Communications Minimization, C. Mongenet,
in International Journal of Parallel Programming, volume 25(6), December 1997.
(Article in an international journal) [bibtex] #33
Parameterized Polyhedra and their Vertices, V. Loechner and D. K. Wilde,
in International Journal of Parallel Programming, volume 25(6), December 1997.
(Article in an international journal) [bibtex] #32
Transformations d'énoncés Pei, Stéphane Genaud,
in Technique et Science Informatiques, volume 15(5), pages 601--618, Hermes, April 1996.
(Article in a national journal) [bibtex] #2
A Refinement of Communicating Process, S. Damy, G.R. Perrin,
in Computer and Artificial Intelligence, volume 15(6), pages 555-569, 1996.
(Article in an international journal) [bibtex] #29
A Mathematical Theory and Its Environment for Parallel Programming, E. Violard,
in Parallel Processing Letters, volume 4, pages 313-328, World Scientific Publishing Company, 1994.
(Article in an international journal) [bibtex] #94
Geometrical Tools to map Systems of Affine Recurrence Equations on Regular Arrays, Catherine Mongenet and Philippe Clauss and Guy-René Perrin,
in Acta Informatica, volume 31, pages 137-160, 1994.
(Article in an international journal) [bibtex] #168
PEI: a Simple Unifying Model to Design Parallel Programs, E. Violard and G.-R. Perrin,
in Future Generation Computer Systems, volume 10, pages 269-272, Elsevier, 1994.
(Article in an international journal) [bibtex] #95
Une expérience d'implantation d'un algorithme systolique sur hypercube, Stéphane Genaud and Guy-René Perrin,
in La Lettre du Transputer et des calculateurs parallèles, (17), March 1993.
note:French text.
(Article in a national journal) [bibtex] #69
Synthesis aspects in the design of efficient processor arrays from affine recurrence equations, Philippe Clauss and Catherine Mongenet,
in Journal of Symbolic Computation, volume 15, pages 547-569, Academic Press, 1993.
(Article in an international journal) [bibtex] #169
Synthesis of size-optimal toroidal arrays for the Algebraic Path Problem : A new contribution, Philippe Clauss and Catherine Mongenet and G.-R. Perrin,
in Parallel Computing, volume 18(3), February 1992.
(Article in an international journal) [bibtex] #170
Calculus of space-optimal mappings of systolic algorithms on processor arrays, Philippe Clauss and Catherine Mongenet and Guy-René Perrin,
in Journal of VLSI Signal Processing, , pages 27--36, 1992.
(Article in an international journal) [bibtex] #171
PEI: a Language and its Refinement Calculus for Parallel Programming, E. Violard and G.-R. Perrin,
in Parallel Computing, volume 18, pages 1167-1184, Elsevier, 1992.
(Article in an international journal) [bibtex] #96
Articles in conference proceedings
Adaptive Runtime Selection for GPU, Jean-François Dollinger; Vincent Loechner,
42nd International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP), pages 70--79, Lyon, France, 2013.
(Refereed International Conference) [bibtex] #227
Free elasticity and free CPU power for scientific workloads on IaaS Clouds , Etienne Michon, Julien Gossa and Stephane Genaud,
18th IEEE International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems, IEEE, Singapore, 2012.
(Refereed International Conference) [bibtex] #226
Cost-wait Trade-offs in Client-side Resource Provisioning with Elastic Clouds, Stéphane Genaud and Julien Gossa,
4th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD 2011), IEEE, Washington DC, USA, July 2011.
(Refereed International Conference) [bibtex] #225
Single Node On-Line Simulation of MPI Applications with SMPI., Pierre-Nicolas Clauss, Mark Stillwell, Stéphane Genaud, Frédéric Suter, Henri Casanova and Martin Quinson,
25th IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS 2011), IEEE, Anchorage, May 2011.
(Refereed International Conference) [bibtex] #224
Recovering the Memory Behavior of Executable Programs, Alain Ketterlin and Philippe Clauss,
10th IEEE Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation, Timisoara, Romania, September 2010.
(Refereed International Conference) [bibtex] #221
Implementation of the AdaBoost Algorithm for Large Scale Distributed Environments: Comparing JavaSpace and MPJ, Virginie Galtier, Stéphane Genaud and Stéphane Vialle,
Fifteenth International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS'09), IEEE, Shenzhen, China, December 2009.
(Refereed International Conference) [bibtex] #219
Efficient Parallel Implementation of Evolutionary Algorithms on GPGPU Cards, Ogier Maitre, Nicolas Lachiche, Philippe Clauss, Laurent Baumes, Avelino Corma and Pierre Collet,
Euro-Par 2009, LNCS, Delft, The Netherlands, August 2009.
(Refereed International Conference) [bibtex] #215
Evaluation of Replication and Fault Detection in P2P-MPI, Stéphane Genaud and Choopan Rattanapoka,
6th High Performance Grid Computing International Workshop, IPDPS conference proceedings, IEEE, Rome, Italy, May 2009.
(Refereed International Conference) [bibtex] #214
Automatic Prefetching with Binary Code Rewriting in Object-based DSMs, Jean Christophe Beyler, Michael Klemm, Michael Philippsen and Philippe Clauss,
Europar 2008, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain), August 2008.
(Refereed International Conference) [bibtex] #205
Prediction and Trace Compression of Data Access Addresses through Nested Loops Recognition, Alain Ketterlin and Philippe Clauss,
IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization 2008, CGO 2008, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, April 2008.
(Refereed International Conference) [bibtex] #194
Large-Scale Experiment of Co-allocation Strategies for Peer-to-Peer Supercomputing in P2P-MPI, Stéphane Genaud and Choopan Rattanapoka,
5th High Performance Grid Computing International Workshop, IPDPS conference proceedings, IEEE , Miami, April 2008.
(Refereed International Conference) [bibtex] #193
Multi-GPU Sort Last Volume Visualization, S. MARCHESIN and C. MONGENET and J.-M. DISCHLER ,
EG Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization (EGPGV'08), Eurographics, April 2008.
(Refereed International Conference) [bibtex] #206
Second Order Pre-Integrated Volume Rendering, J.-F. EL HAJJAR, S. MARCHESIN, J.-M. DISCHLER, C. MONGENET,
IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium, March 2008.
(Refereed International Conference) [bibtex] #195
Comparison of Two Eulerian solvers for the four dimensional Vlasov equation (Parts I and II), N. CROUSEILLES, M. GUTNIC, G. LATU, E. SONNENDRUCKER,
Proc. of the 2nd international conference of Vlasovia, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, vol. 13(1), pages 88--99, February 2008.
(Refereed International Conference) [bibtex] #196
Computing ITG turbulence with a full-f semi-Lagrangian code, V. GRANDGIRARD, Y. SARAZIN, X. GARBET, G. DIF-PRALADIER, P. GHENDRIH, N. CROUSEILLES, G. LATU, E. SONNENDRUCKER, N. BESSE,
Proc. of the 2nd international conference of Vlasovia, Elsevier, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, vol. 13(1), pages 81--87, February 2008.
(Refereed International Conference) [bibtex] #197
Load-Balancing for a Block-Based Parallel Adaptive 4D Vlasov Solver, Olivier Hoenen and Eric Violard,
Proceedings of the 14th international Euro-Par conference on Parallel Processing, Lecture Notes In Computer Science, vol. 5168, Springer-Verlag, pages 822--832, 2008.
(Refereed International Conference) [bibtex] #210 document : [link]
A Block-Based Parallel Adaptive Scheme for Solving the 4D Vlasov Equation, Olivier Hoenen and Eric Violard,
7th International Conference on Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics, LNCS, vol. 4967, Springer-Verlag, Gdańsk, Poland, September 2007.
(Refereed International Conference) [bibtex] #204 document : [link]
Comparison and tuning of MPI implementation in a grid context, Ludovic Hablot, Olivier Glück, Jean-Christophe Mignot, Stéphane Genaud, and Pascale Vicat-Blanc Primet,
Proceedings of 2007 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (CLUSTER), IEEE, pages 458-463, September 2007.
(Refereed International Conference) [bibtex] #192
Feature Enhancement using Locally Adaptive Volume Rendering, S. MARCHESIN, J.-M. DISCHLER, C. MONGENET,
IEEE/EG International Symposium on Volume Graphics, September 2007.
(Refereed International Conference) [bibtex] #202
Esodyp+: Prefetching in the Jackal Software DSM, Michael Klemm, Jean Christophe Beyler, Ronny T. Lampert, Michael Philippsen and Philippe Clauss,
Euro-Par 2007, Springer, Rennes, France, August 2007.
(Refereed International Conference) [bibtex] #190
Hermite Spline Interpolation on Patches for a parallel implementation of beam focusing problems, N. CROUSEILLES, G. LATU, E. SONNENDRUCKER,
Proceedings of HIF 2006, Elsevier, Nuclear instruments and Methods in Physics Research A., vol. 557(1), pages 129--132, July 2007.
(Refereed International Conference) [bibtex] #199
Performance Driven Data Cache Prefetching in a Dynamic Software Optimization System, Jean-Christophe Beyler and Philippe Clauss,
21st ACM International Conference on Supercomputing, ICS'07, ACM, Seattle, WA, USA, June 2007.
(Refereed International Conference) [bibtex] #189
Fault management in P2P-MPI, Stéphane Genaud and Choopan Rattanapoka,
In proceedings of International Conference on Grid and Pervasive Computing, GPC'07, LNCS, vol. 4459, Springer, Ed. C. Cérin and K.-C. Li, Paris, May 2007.
(Refereed International Conference) [bibtex] #185
Experiments in running a scientific MPI application on Grid'5000, Stéphane Genaud, Marc Grunberg and Catherine Mongenet,
4th High Performance Grid Computing International Workshop, IPDPS conference proceedings, IEEE, Long beach, USA, March 2007.
note:received the 'Intel Best Paper Award'..
(Refereed International Conference) [bibtex] #184
Adaptive two-dimensional Vlasov simulations of heavy ion beams, M. GUTNIC, G. LATU, E. SONNENDRUCKER,
Proceedings of HIF 2006, Elsevier, Nuclear instruments and Methods in Physics Research A., vol. 557(1), pages 125--128, February 2007.
(Refereed International Conference) [bibtex] #200
Gyrokinetic Semi-Lagrangian Parallel Simulation using a Hybrid OpenMP/MPI Programming, G. LATU, N. CROUSEILLES, V. GRANDGIRARD, E. SONNENDRUCKER,
Recent Advances in PVM an MPI, LNCS, vol. 4757, pages 356--364, 2007.
(Refereed International Conference) [bibtex] #201
Memory Optimization by Counting Points in Integer Transformations of Parametric Polytopes, Rachid Seghir and Vincent Loechner,
In Proceedings of International Conference on Compilers, Architectures, and Synthesis for Embedded Systems, CASES 2006, pages 74--82, Seoul, Korea, October 2006.
(Refereed International Conference) [bibtex] #179
Polyhedral Modeling and Analysis of Memory Access Profiles, Philippe Clauss and Bénédicte Kenmei,
IEEE 17th International Conference on Application-specific Systems, Architectures and Processors, ASAP 2006, IEEE Computer Society, pages 191-198,ISBN:1063-6862, Steamboat Springs, Colorado, September 2006.
(Refereed International Conference) [bibtex] #165
A Peer-to-Peer Framework for Robust Execution of Message Passing Parallel Programs, Stéphane Genaud and Choopan Rattanapoka,
EuroPVM/MPI 2005, LNCS, vol. 3666, Springer-Verlag, pages 276--284, Ed. B. Di Martino et al., September 2005.
(Refereed International Conference) [bibtex] #155
The Periodic-Linear Model of Program Behavior Capture, Ph. Clauss, B. Kenmei and J.C. Beyler,
ACM/IEEE Euro-Par 2005, LNCS, vol. 3648, Springer, pages 325--335, Ed. José C. Cunha, Pedro D. Medeiros,ISBN:0302-9743, Lisboa, Portugal, September 2005.
(Refereed International Conference) [bibtex] #153
Parallel Vlasov solver using a Wavelet based Adaptive Mesh Refinement, Gutnic (M.), Haefele (M.), Latu (G.),
International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP'2005), 7th Workshop on High Perf. Scientific and Engineering Computing, IEEE Computer Society Press, pages 181--188, June 2005.
(Refereed International Conference) [bibtex] #160
Vlasov Simulations of Beams and Halo, Sonnendrucker (E.), Gutnic (M.),Haefele (M.), Latu (G.), Lemaire (J.-L.).,
Proceedings of the 2005 Particle Accelerator, IEEE Catalog Number 05CH37623C, May 2005.
(Refereed International Conference) [bibtex] #159
La Projection Entière de Polytopes Paramétrés, Rachid Seghir,
16ème Rencontres Francophones du Parallélisme (RenPar 2005), pages 181-191, Le Croisic, France, April 2005.
(Refereed National Conference) [bibtex] #149
Ordonnancement sur plates-formes hétérogènes de tâches partageant des données, Arnaud Giersch,
16ème Rencontres Francophones du Parallélisme (RenPar 2005), pages 159-170, Le Croisic, France, April 2005.
note:French text.
(Refereed National Conference) [bibtex] #147
Parallélisation d'un solveur adaptatif de l'équation de Vlasov, Olivier Hoenen and Eric Violard,
16ème Rencontres Francophones du Parallélisme (RenPar 2005), pages 249-258, Le Croisic, France, April 2005.
(Refereed National Conference) [bibtex] #151
Parallel Adaptive Mesh Coarsening for Seismic Tomography, Marc Grunberg, Stéphane Genaud and Catherine Mongenet,
SBAC-PAD 2004, 16th Symposium on Computer Architecture
and High Performance Computing, IEEE Computer Society Press, Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil, October 2004.
(Refereed International Conference) [bibtex] #124
Analytical computation of Ehrhart polynomials: enabling more compiler analyses and optimizations, Sven Verdoolaege, Rachid Seghir, Kristof Beyls, Vincent Loechner and Maurice Bruynooghe,
Proceedings of International Conference on Compilers, Architectures, and Synthesis for Embedded Systems, pages 248--258, Washington D.C., September 2004.
(Refereed International Conference) [bibtex] #128
Parallelization of an Adaptive Vlasov Solver, Olivier Hoenen, Michel Mehrenberger and Eric Violard,
11th European PVM/MPI Users’ Group Conference (EuroPVM/MPI 2004), ParSim Session, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 3241, Springer-Verlag, pages 430-435, Budapest, Hungary, September 2004.
(Refereed International Conference) [bibtex] #150 document : [link]
Scheduling tasks sharing files from distributed repositories, Arnaud Giersch, Yves Robert, and Frédéric Vivien,
Euro-Par 2004: Parallel Processing: 10th International Euro-Par Conference, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 3149, Springer-Verlag, Pisa, Italy, August 2004.
(Refereed International Conference) [bibtex] #120 document : [link]
A Symbolic Approach to Bernstein Expansion for Program Analysis and Optimization, Ph. Clauss and I. Tchoupaeva,
13th International Conference on Compiler Construction, CC 2004, LNCS, vol. 2985, Springer, pages 120-133, Ed. Evelyn Duesterwald, Barcelona, Spain, April 2004.
(Refereed International Conference) [bibtex] #114
Periodic Polyhedra, Benoît Meister,
13th International Conference on Compiler Construction, CC 2004, LNCS, vol. 2985, Springer, pages 134-149, Ed. Evelyn Duesterwald,ISBN:3-540-21297-3, Barcelona, Spain, April 2004.
(Refereed International Conference) [bibtex] #116
Scheduling tasks sharing files on heterogeneous master-slave platforms, Arnaud Giersch, Yves Robert, and Frédéric Vivien,
12th Euromicro Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network based Processing (PDP 2004), IEEE Computer Society Press, pages 364--371, A Coruña, Spain, February 2004.
(Refereed International Conference) [bibtex] #112 document : [link]
Calcul de rais en tomographie sismique : exploitation sur la Grille, Marc Grunberg and Stéphane Genaud,
Renpar 15, INRIA, pages 179--186,ISBN:2 - 7261 - 1264 - 1, La Colle sur Loup, October 2003.
(Refereed National Conference) [bibtex] #111
Scheduling tasks sharing files on heterogeneous clusters, Arnaud Giersch, Yves Robert, and Frédéric Vivien,
10th European PVM/MPI Users' Group Conference (EuroPVM/MPI 2003), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 2840, Springer-Verlag, pages 657--660, Venice, Italy, September 2003.
(Refereed International Conference) [bibtex] #109 document : [link]
Modeling Program Traces with Nested Loops, Philippe Clauss, Bénédicte Kenmei Youta and Odile Rousselet,
Workshop on Exploring the Trace Space for Dynamic Optimization Techniques, held in conjunction with ICS'03, San Francisco, June 2003.
(Refereed International Conference) [bibtex] #108
Automatic detection of uninitialized variables, T.V.N. Nguyen, F. Irigoin, C. Ancourt and F. Coelho,
12th International Conference on Compiler Construction, LNCS 2622, pages 217-231, Warsaw, Poland, April 2003.
(Refereed International Conference) [bibtex] #132
Load-Balancing Scatter Operations for Grid Computing, Stéphane Genaud, Arnaud Giersch, and Frédéric Vivien,
Proceedings of 12th Heterogeneous Computing Workshop (HCW '03), IEEE Computer Society Press, ISBN:0-7695-1926-1, Nice, France, April 2003.
(Refereed International Conference) [bibtex] #75 document : [link]
Source-code Transformations Strategies to Load-balance Grid Applications, Romaric David, Stéphane Genaud, Arnaud Giersch, Éric Violard, and Benjamin Schwarz,
Grid Computing - GRID'2002, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 2536, Springer-Verlag, pages 82--87, Baltimore, MD, USA, November 2002.
(Refereed International Conference) [bibtex] #62 document : [link]
Experiments in load balancing across the Grid via a code transformation, E. Violard and R. David and B. Schwarz,
DAPSYS 2002, Kluwer, pages 66--73, Johannes Kepler University, Linz (Austria), September 2002.
(Refereed International Conference) [bibtex] #49
On the Optimality of Feautrier's Scheduling Algorithm, Frédéric Vivien,
Euro-Par 2002, LNCS, vol. 2400, Springer-Verlag, pages 299-308, Paderborn, Germany, August 2002.
(Refereed International Conference) [bibtex] #61
Parallel Sampling with Stochastic Differential Equations for 3D Deformable Matching of Medical Images, Michel Salomon, Guy-René Perrin, Fabrice Heitz,
Proceedings of PDPTA'02, Las Vegas, June 2002.
(Refereed International Conference) [bibtex] #24
Parallel Seismic Ray-tracing in a Global Earth Mesh, Marc Grunberg, Stéphane Genaud, Catherine Mongenet,
Proceedings of the 2002 Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA'02), pages 1151-1157,ISBN:ISBN:1-892512-89-0, Las Vegas, June 2002.
(Refereed International Conference) [bibtex] #20
Parallelization of a Vlasov Solver by Communication Overlapping, Eric Violard, Francis Filbet,
proceedings of PDPTA'02, CSREA Press, pages 1049--1055, Las Vegas, June 2002.
(Refereed International Conference) [bibtex] #22
Alias verification for Fortran code optimization, T.V.N. Nguyen and F. Irigoin,
International Workshop on Compiler Optimization Meets Compiler Verification (COCV 2002), pages 56-70, Grenoble, France, April 2002.
(Refereed International Conference) [bibtex] #138
Data Sequence Locality: a Generalization of Temporal Locality, V. Loechner, B. Meister and Ph. Clauss,
7th Int. Euro-Par Conference, LNCS 2150 (Europar'2001), Springer, Ed. R. Sakellariou et al., Manchester (UK), August 2001.
(Refereed International Conference) [bibtex] #19
A Unified Framework for Schedule and Storage Optimization, William Thies, Frédéric Vivien, Jeffrey Sheldon, and Saman Amarasinghe,
ACM SIGPLAN 2001 Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation, ACM, Snowbird, Utah, USA, June 2001.
(Refereed International Conference) [bibtex] #53
Array resizing for code debugging, maintenance and reuse, C. Ancourt and T.V.N. Nguyen,
ACM SIGLAN-SIGSOFT Workshop on Program Analysis for Software Tools and Engineering (PASTE01), pages 32-37, Snowbird, Utah, USA, June 2001.
(Refereed International Conference) [bibtex] #135
Differential Evolution for Medical Image Registration, Michel Salomon, Guy-René Perrin and Fabrice Heitz,,
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IC-AI'2001), Las Vegas (U.S.A.), June 2001.
note:Revised version of Research Report ICPS RR-01-04.
(Refereed International Conference) [bibtex] #18
Incrementalized Pointer and Escape Analysis, Frédéric Vivien and Martin Rinard,
ACM SIGPLAN 2001 Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation, SNOWBIRD (UTAH), June 2001.
(Refereed International Conference) [bibtex] #52
Minimizing strides in Loops with Affine Array References, Ph. Clauss, V. Loechner and B. Meister,
CPC'2001, Compilers for Parallel Computers, June 2001.
(Refereed International Conference) [bibtex] #7
Efficient Intraprocedural Array Bound Checking, T.V.N. Nguyen, F. Irigoin, C. Ancourt and R. Keryell,
Second International Workshop on Automated Program Analysis, Testing and Verification (WAPATV01), Toronto, Canada, May 2001.
(Refereed International Conference) [bibtex] #136
Localité de données dans les opérations stencil, Benoît Meister,
RenPar'2001, Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie, Paris (France), April 2001.
(Refereed National Conference) [bibtex] #51
A Theoretical Framework of Data Parallelism and its Operational Semantics, Ph. Gerner and E. Violard,
EUROPAR'2000, LNCS 1900, Springer-Verlag, pages 668--677, Munich, September 2000.
(Refereed International Conference) [bibtex] #11
Scheduling the Computations of a Loop Nest with Respect to a Given Mapping, Alain Darte, Claude Diderich, Marc Gengler, and Frédéric Vivien,
Euro-Par'2000, vol. 1900, Springer-Verlag, pages 405-414, Munich (Germany), September 2000.
(Refereed International Conference) [bibtex] #15
Parallélisation de l'évolution différentielle pour le recalage rigide d'images médicales volumiques, M. Salomon,
RenPAR'2000, 12ème Rencontres Francophones du Parallélisme, Revised version of Research Report ICPS RR-00-05, Besançon (France), June 2000.
(Refereed National Conference) [bibtex] #16
A constructive solution to the juggling problem in processor array synthesis, Alain Darte, B. R. Rau, Rob Schreiber, and Frederic Vivien,
International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, IPDPS 2000, May 2000.
(Refereed International Conference) [bibtex] #13
Automatic Memory Layout Transformation to Optimize Spatial Locality in Parameterized Loop Nests, Ph. Clauss and B. Meister,
4th Annual Workshop on Interaction between Compilers and Computer Architectures, INTERACT-4, February 2000.
(Refereed International Conference) [bibtex] #12
Formal concept analysis on ordered set, Q.T. Nguyen, V.N. Huynh and T.V.N. Nguyen,
International Conference on Mathematical Foundation of Computer Science, Hanoi, Vietnam, October 1999.
(Refereed International Conference) [bibtex] #137
Sparse Computation with PEI, Frédérique Voisin and Guy-René Perrin,
6th International Workshop on Solving Irregularly Structured Problems in Parallel, Proceedings of 11 IPPS/SPDP'99 Workshops, LNCS 1586, Springer-Verlag, San Juan, Puerto Rico, April 1999.
(Refereed International Conference) [bibtex] #81
Minimisation des communications dans une résolution distribuée des équations de Navier-Stokes, Frédérique Voisin,
Renpar'10, pages 183-186, Strasbourg, June 1998.
note:French text.
(Refereed National Conference) [bibtex] #80
Handling Memory Cache Policy with Integer Points Countings, Ph. Clauss,
Europar'97, LNCS, vol. 1300, Springer-Verlag, Passau, August 1997.
(Refereed International Conference) [bibtex] #37
Solutions to the Communication Minimization Problem for Affine recurrence Equations, V. Loechner and C. Mongenet,
Europar'97, LNCS 1300, pages Springer-Verlag, Passau (Germany), August 1997.
(Refereed International Conference) [bibtex] #38
Typechecking of PEI expressions, E. Violard,
EUROPAR'97, LNCS 1300, Springer-Verlag, pages 521-529, Passau (Germany), August 1997.
(Refereed International Conference) [bibtex] #34
A parallel algorithm to reconstruct bounding surfaces in 3D images, F. Mabin, C. Mongenet,
Proceedings of PDPTA'97, Las Vegas, July 1997.
(Refereed International Conference) [bibtex] #39
Refinement of data-parallel programs in PEI, E. Violard, S. Genaud, G.-R. Perrin,
IFIP Working Conference on Algorithmic Language and Calculi, Chapman & Hall Ed., Ed. R. Bird and L. Meertens,ISBN:0-412-82050-1, February 1997.
note:25 pages.
(Refereed International Conference) [bibtex] #3
Sewing Faces : A topological reconstruction algorithm of 6-connected objects bounding surfaces in 3D digital images, F. Mabin, C. Mongenet,
Proceedings of WSCG' 97, vol. 2, pages 331-340, Plzen (Czech Republic), February 1997.
(Refereed International Conference) [bibtex] #40
Types in Parallel Programming, E. Violard,
Theory and Practice of Higher-Order Parallel Programming, 9708, SCHLOSS DAGSTUHL : INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE AND RESEARCH CENTER, February 1997.
(Refereed International Conference) [bibtex] #100 document : [link]
Parametric Analysis of Polyhedral Iteration Spaces, Ph. Clauss and V. Loechner,
Proceedings of Int. Conf. on Application Specific Array Processors, ASAP'96, IEEE Computer Society Press, Chicago, USA, August 1996.
(Refereed International Conference) [bibtex] #31
Counting Solutions to Linear and Nonlinear Constraints throughEhrhart polynomials: Applications to Analyse and Transform Scientific Programs, Ph. Clauss,
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Supercomputing, ICS'96, Philadelphia, May 1996.
(Refereed International Conference) [bibtex] #30
Transformation techniques in PEI, S. Genaud, E. Violard, G.-R. Perrin,
EUROPAR'95, LNCS 966, Springer-Verlag, pages 131--142, Ed. S. Haridi, K. Ali, P. Magnusson, Stockholm, August 1995.
(Refereed International Conference) [bibtex] #1
A toolbox for affine recurrence equations parallelization, V. Loechner, C. Mongenet,
HPCN'95, LNCS 919, pages Springer-Verlag, Milan (Italy), May 1995.
(Refereed International Conference) [bibtex] #27
Mappings for communication minimization using distribution and alignment, C. Mongenet,
Proceedings of PACT'95, ACM Press, pages 185-193, Limassol, Cyprus (Greece), May 1995.
(Refereed International Conference) [bibtex] #28
Techniques de tranformations d'énoncés PEI pour la production de programmes data-parallèles, Stéphane Genaud,
RenPar 7, Mons (Belgium), May 1995.
note:french text.
(Refereed National Conference) [bibtex] #6
Reduction in PEI, E. Violard, G.-R. Perrin,
CONPAR'94, LNCS 854, Springer Verlag, pages 112--123, September 1994.
(Refereed International Conference) [bibtex] #48
Data compiling for Systems of Affine Recurrence Equations, C. Mongenet,
ASAP'94, IEEE Society Press, pages 212-223, June 1994.
(Refereed International Conference) [bibtex] #45
Optimal mapping of Systolic Algorithms by regular Instruction Shifts, Ph. Clauss, G.-R. Perrin,
ASAP'94, IEEE Computer Society Press, June 1994.
(Refereed International Conference) [bibtex] #47
PEI: a theoretical framework for Data-Parallel Programming, G.-R. Perrin, E. Violard, S. Genaud,
Workshop on Data-Parallel Languages and Compilers, Lille (France), May 1994.
(Refereed National Conference) [bibtex] #46
An efficient Allocation Strategy for Mapping affine Recurrences into space and time-optimal regular Processor Arrays, Ph. Clauss,
Parcella'94, 1994.
(Refereed International Conference) [bibtex] #44
Some synthesis aspects for Data-Parallel Programming, G.-R. Perrin,
HPCN'94, LNCS 797, Springer-Verlag, 1994.
(Refereed International Conference) [bibtex] #43
A Mathematical Theory and its Environment for Parallel Programming, E. Violard,
Parallelization Techniques for Uniform Algorithms, 9325, SCHLOSS DAGSTUHL : INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE AND RESEARCH CENTER, June 1993.
(Refereed International Conference) [bibtex] #101 document : [link]
PEI: a Single Unifying Model to Design Parallel Programs, E. Violard and G.-R. Perrin,
PARLE'93, Springer Verlag, Munich, June 1993.
(Refereed International Conference) [bibtex] #97
PEI: un modèle unificateur simple pour la conception de programmes parallèles, E. Violard,
RenPAR, Brest, May 1993.
(Refereed National Conference) [bibtex] #98
Exécutions de programmes parallèles à passage de messages sur grille de calcul, Stéphane Genaud,
Université Henri Poincaré, Nancy, December 2009.
note:Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches.
(PhD thesis) [bibtex] #220 document : [link]
Parallélisation de Méthodes Adaptatives Semi-Lagrangiennes pour la Résolution de l'Equation de Vlasov, Olivier Hoenen,
University of Strasbourg I (Louis Pasteur University), July 2008.
(PhD thesis) [bibtex] #213 document : [link]
P2P-MPI : A fault-tolerant Message Passing Interface Implementation for Grids., Choopan Rattanapoka,
University Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, April 2008.
(PhD thesis) [bibtex] #208
Dynamic and Software Optimization of Data Accesses: Memory Latency Reduction by Low-Cost Dynamic Binary Analysis and Transformations, Jean Christophe Beyler,
Université Louis Pasteur, December 2007.
(PhD thesis) [bibtex] #203
Méthodes de dénombrement de points entiers de polyèdres et
applications à l'optimisation de programmes, Rachid Seghir,
December 2006.
(PhD thesis) [bibtex] #187
Génération de programmes modèles pour la représentation et l'analyse de profils d'exécution : le modèle périodique-linéaire, Bénédicte Kenmei,
Université Louis Pasteur, June 2006.
(PhD thesis) [bibtex] #167
Modèle de coût des communications TCP à un niveau applicatif, Constantinos Makassikis,
University Louis Pasteur (Strasbourg), June 2006.
note:french text.
(Master thesis) [bibtex] #180
Sélection de pairs et allocation de tâches dans P2P-MPI, Ghazi Bouabene,
Université Louis Pasteur, June 2006.
(Master thesis) [bibtex] #166
Ordonnancement sur plates-formes hétérogènes de tâches partageant des données, Arnaud Giersch,
Université Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, France, December 2004.
note:French text.
(PhD thesis) [bibtex] #142 document : [link]
Stating and Manipulating Periodicity in the Polytope Model. Applications to Program Analysis and Optimization., Benoît Meister,
Université Louis Pasteur, December 2004.
(PhD thesis) [bibtex] #141
Mécanisme de régulation dynamique de la charge pour un solveur de Vlasov semi-Lagrangien, Olivier Hoenen,
University of Strasbourg I (Louis Pasteur University), July 2004.
(Master thesis) [bibtex] #212
P2P-MPI : A Peer-to-Peer FrameWork for Robust Execution of Message Passing Parallel Programs on Grids, Choopan Rattanapoka,
Université Louis-Pasteur de Strasbourg, July 2004.
(Master thesis) [bibtex] #139
La sémantique des directives au compilateur : application au parallélisme de données, Philippe Gerner,
Thèse en informatique de l'Université Louis Pasteur, December 2002.
(PhD thesis) [bibtex] #73
Vers un profiling adaptatif : Etat de l'art des méthodes actuelles d'analyse de programmes et perspectives, Bénédicte Ramelie Kenmei Youta,
Université de Yaoundé I, Cameroun, November 2002.
(Master thesis) [bibtex] #71
Durées de vie et compression mémoire, Ridha Kouache,
Université Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, June 2002.
note:French text.
(Master thesis) [bibtex] #63
Ordonnancement d'applications parallèles sur la grille, Dominique Stehly,
Université Louis Pasteur, 2002.
(Master thesis) [bibtex] #64
Etude de la parallélisation de méthodes heuristiques d'optimisation combinatoire. Application au recalage d'images médicales, Michel Salomon,
Thèse en informatique de l'Université Louis Pasteur, December 2001.
(PhD thesis) [bibtex] #74
Étude d'outils logiciels pour la parallélisation et la transformation de programmes dans les applications de calculs numériques, Frédérique Voisin-Demery,
Thèse en informatique de l'Université Louis Pasteur, July 2001.
(PhD thesis) [bibtex] #76
Méthodes polyédriques pour la parallélisation et l'optimisation de programmes, Ph. Clauss,
Université Louis Pasteur, Habilitation à diriger des recherches, 2000.
(PhD thesis) [bibtex] #57
Contribution à l'étude des polyèdres paramétrés et applications en parallélisation automatique, V. Loechner,
Université Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, December 1997.
(PhD thesis) [bibtex] #36
Transformations de programmes Pei : applications au parallélisme de données, Stéphane Genaud,
Université Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, January 1997.
(PhD thesis) [bibtex] #4
Une théorie unificatrice pour la construction de programmes parallèles par des techniques de transformations, E. Violard,
Université de France-Comté, Besançon, October 1992.
(PhD thesis) [bibtex] #99
Research reports
Counting Points in Integer Affine Transformations of Parametric Z-polytopes, Rachid Seghir, Vincent Loechner and Benoît Meister,
(Research Report) [bibtex] #218
Approximations of Polytope Enumerators using Linear Expansions, Benoit Meister,
Universite Louis Pasteur, May 2007.
note:Revised edition of a paper submitted in 2005.
(Research Report) [bibtex] #191
Symbolic Polynomial Maximization over Convex Sets and its Application to Memory Requirement Estimation, Philippe Clauss, Federico Javier Fernandez, Diego Gabervetsky and Sven Verdoolaege,
number 06-04, Université Louis Pasteur, October 2006.
(Research Report) [bibtex] #173
A Local Adaptive Algorithm for Solving the Vlasov Equation, Olivier Hoenen and Eric Violard,
number 06-05, August 2006.
(Research Report) [bibtex] #181
Experiments in running a scientific MPI application on Grid'5000, Stéphane Genaud and Marc Grunberg and Catherine Mongenet,
number 06-03, University Louis Pasteur, July 2006.
(Research Report) [bibtex] #172
An Efficient Data Structure for an Adaptive Vlasov Solver, Olivier Hoenen and Eric Violard,
number 06-02, February 2006.
(Research Report) [bibtex] #161
Minimizing Memory Strides using Integer Transformations of Parametric Polytopes, Rachid Seghir, Vincent Loechner and Benoît Meister,
January 2006.
(Research Report) [bibtex] #177
Technical report: Dynamic optimizations, Jean Christophe Beyler, Philippe Clauss and Guang R. Gao,
number 05-01, ICPS/LSIIT - Université Louis Pasteur, University of Delaware, June 2005.
(Research Report) [bibtex] #154
ESODYP: An Entirely Software and Dynamic Data Prefetcher based on a Memory Strides Markov Model, Jean Christophe Beyler and Philippe Clauss,
number 04-03, ICPS/LSIIT - Université Louis Pasteur, June 2004.
(Research Report) [bibtex] #145
Projecting Periodic Polyhedra for Loop Nest Analysis, B. Meister,
number 04-02, ICPS - LSIIT, Université Louis Pasteur, April 2004.
note:To be presented to Compilers for Parallel Computers (CPC) 2004.
(Research Report) [bibtex] #121
Analytical Computation of Ehrhart Polynomials and its Application in Compile-Time Generated Cache Hints, Rachid Seghir, Sven Verdoolaege, Kristof Beyls, and Vincent Loechner,
number 04-01, February 2004.
(Research Report) [bibtex] #118
The Status of Non-Mandatory Directives, Philippe Gerner et Eric Violard,
number RR 03-01, September 2003.
(Research Report) [bibtex] #183
Using Periodics in Integer Polyhedral Problems, Benoît Meister,
number 03-01, LSIIT - ICPS UMR7005 ULP-CNRS, 2003.
(Research Report) [bibtex] #115 document : [link]
An Approach for Defining the Semantics of Directives, Philippe Gerner,
number 02-02, Université Louis Pasteur, October 2002.
(Research Report) [bibtex] #72
Source-code Transformations Strategies to Load-balance Grid Applications, Romaric David, Stéphane Genaud, Arnaud Giersch, Éric Violard, and Benjamin Schwarz,
number 02-01, LSIIT-ICPS, Université Louis Pasteur, August 2002.
(Research Report) [bibtex] #50
On High-Level Low-Level Programming, Philippe Gerner,
number RR 02-08, Université Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, July 2002.
(Research Report) [bibtex] #66
A Note on Computational Meaning Attribution in Rewriting Logic, Philippe Gerner,
number RR 02-07, Université Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, May 2002.
(Research Report) [bibtex] #25
On the Optimality of Feautrier's Scheduling Algorithm, Frédéric Vivien,
number 02-04, May 2002.
(Research Report) [bibtex] #60
Localité de données et compression mémoire dans les opérations stencil, Benoît Meister,
ICPS - LSIIT, Université Louis Pasteur, March 2002.
(Research Report) [bibtex] #122 document : [link]
Describing Execution Graphs with Rewriting Logic, Philippe Gerner,
number RR 01-06, Université Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, December 2001.
(Research Report) [bibtex] #65
A Semantic Framework To Adress Data Locality in Data Parallel Languages, E. Violard,
LSIIT-ICPS, Université Louis Pasteur, June 2001.
note:RR 01-05.
(Research Report) [bibtex] #87
The Polytope Model for Optimizing Cache Locality, B. Meister, V. Loechner and Ph. Clauss,
May 2000.
(Research Report) [bibtex] #102
A Theoretical Framework of Data Parallelism and its Operational Semantics, P. Gerner and E. Violard,
LSIIT-ICPS, Université Louis Pasteur, January 2000.
note:RR 00-02.
(Research Report) [bibtex] #88
What really is Data Parallel Programming?, E. Violard,
LSIIT-ICPS, Université Louis Pasteur, January 2000.
note:RR 00-01.
(Research Report) [bibtex] #82
Automatic Memory Layout Transformations to Optimize Spatial Locality in Parameterized Loop Nests, Ph. Clauss and B. Meister,
August 1999.
(Research Report) [bibtex] #103
Data Parallelism and PEI Equational Language, G.-R. Perrin and E. Violard,
LSIIT-ICPS, Université Louis Pasteur, May 1999.
note:RR 99-01.
(Research Report) [bibtex] #83
A Formal Semantics of Data Parallel Languages, E. Violard,
LSIIT-ICPS Université Louis Pasteur, December 1998.
note:RR 98-04.
(Research Report) [bibtex] #84
Advances in parameterized linear diophantine equations for precise program analysis, Ph. Clauss,
September 1998.
(Research Report) [bibtex] #104
On deriving HPF Code from Pei programs, S. Genaud,
number RR 98-05, ICPS-Université Louis Pasteur, June 1998.
(Research Report) [bibtex] #5
Asynchronous Parallel Programming in PEI, E. Violard,
LSIIT-ICPS, Université Louis Pasteur, October 1997.
note:RR 97-10.
(Research Report) [bibtex] #91
Handling Memory Cache Policy with Integer Points Countings (extended version), Ph. Clauss,
January 1997.
(Research Report) [bibtex] #105
Deriving Formulae to Count Solutions to Parameterized Linear Systems using Ehrhart Polynomials: Applications to the Analysis of Nested-Loop Programs, Ph. Clauss, V. Loechner and D.K. Wilde,
(Research Report) [bibtex] #56
Data-Parallelism Versus Functional Programming: the Contribution of PEI, E. Violard,
LSIIT-ICPS, Université Louis Pasteur, January 1995.
note:RR 95-03.
(Research Report) [bibtex] #86
The Volume of a Lattice Polyhedron to Enumerate Processors and Parallelism, Ph. Clauss,
(Research Report) [bibtex] #106
Miscellenaous communications
ESODYP: An Entirely Software and Dynamic Data Prefetcher based on a Markov Model, Jean Christophe Beyler and Philippe Clauss,
Proceedings of the 12th Workshop on Compilers for Parallel Computers, CPC 2006, University of A Coruna, pages 118-132,ISBN:54-609-8459-1, A Coruna, Spain, January 2006.
(International Conference) [bibtex] #158
Projecting Periodic Polyhedra for Loop Nest Analysis, B. Meister,
Proceedings of the 11th Workshop on Compilers for Parallel Computers (CPC 04), Shaker Verlag, pages 13--24, Ed. M. Gerndt / E. Kereku (Eds.), Kloster Seeon, Germany, July 2004.
(International Conference) [bibtex] #140
Analytical Computation of Ehrhart Polynomials and its Applications for Embedded Systems, Sven Verdoolaege, Kristof Beyls, Maurice Bruynooghe, Rachid Seghir and Vincent Loechner,
Workshop on Optimizations for DSP and Embedded Systems, in conjunction with IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Code Generation, Palo Alto, california, March 2004.
(International Conference) [bibtex] #119
Geographical ISC data Characterization with Parallel Ray-tracing, Marc Grunberg, Stéphane Genaud and Michel Granet,
Eos Trans. AGU, 84(46), Fall-Meeting Suppl., Abstract S31E-0793, San Francisco, December 2003.
(International Conference) [bibtex] #113
Une nouvelle méthode de calcul de l'enveloppe entière d'un polyèdre paramétré, Benoît Meister,
June 2003.
(Misc.) [bibtex] #110
Advanced program analyses and verifications, T.V.N. Nguyen and F. Irigoin,
First International Conference of French Speaking Vietnamese Computer Scientists (RIVF 2003), pages 77-81, Hanoi, Vietnam, February 2003.
(International Conference) [bibtex] #133