Annotated resfloat.c [2]

	This is a description of resfloat.c, embedded into the file
itself. This file won't compile because I didn't bother to enclose my
comments in /* */'s. 

...resfloat.c ...

/* "LOG", the circuit editing and simulation system,
   "DigLOG", the digital simulator for LOG.
   Copyright (C) 1985, 1990 David Gillespie.
   Author's address:; 256-80 Caltech/Pasadena CA 91125.

   "AnaLOG", the analog simulator for LOG.
   Copyright (C) 1985, 1990 John Lazzaro.
   Author's address:; 256-80 Caltech.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation (any version).

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */

/* Output from p2c, the Pascal-to-C translator */
/* From input file "gates.text" */


#define RESFLOAT_G

... change this to be your gates's .h file. Copy resfloat.h, and change
all instances to resfloat to newgate and all instances of RESFLOAT to

#include "resfloat.h"

.. these are definitions for the "attribute" screen. Define your attributes
as N_attributename, numbered in the same order they appear in your gate
definition that you do in loged. After your last attribute, include a 
#define Cstart as is done here, this is used to indicate the start of
the "state attributes" for the nodes of the gate. Also define gatename to
be the name of your gate.

#define N_Res           1
#define Cstart          2

#define Gatename        "Resistor"

... this structure holds constants your code computes from the attributes,
for use in the model. For resfloat, for example, Conductance = 1/Resistance
is computed once, rather than doing a division hundreds of times.

typedef struct ResfloatConst {
  double Conductance;
} ResfloatConst;

.. this structure holds the Initial value of the attributes on startup.
Should start with IC by convention. 

typedef struct ICResfloat {
  double ICRes;
} ICResfloat;

/*            Procedure To Simulate Cell In Algorithm                        */

... this is the procedure that actually simulates the gate

Local Void Ex_Resfloat(act)
Analog_32_action *act;

... note how for each pin you define a various current and voltage
vaiables, including partial derivitives dI#dV# ...

  double MinI1, MinI2, dI1dV1, dI1dV2, dI2dV1, dI2dV2;
  AnaExt_rec *Pin1Ptr;
  long Pin1;
  double VPin1;
  AnaExt_rec *Pin2Ptr;
  long Pin2;
  double VPin2;
  ResfloatConst *ResfloatVar;
  Anainstlist *A_Gate;
  log_grec *WITH;
  AnaMatRec *WITH2;

  WITH = act->inst;

... This section just loads up the variables above from the appropriate
data structures, and can be extended by rote ...

  A_Gate = (Anainstlist *)WITH->info;
  ResfloatVar = (ResfloatConst *)A_Gate->InstVar;
  Pin1Ptr = (AnaExt_rec *)WITH->pin[0]->info;
  Pin1 = Pin1Ptr->nodenum;
  VPin1 = Pin1Ptr->last;
  Pin2Ptr = (AnaExt_rec *)WITH->pin[1]->info;
  Pin2 = Pin2Ptr->nodenum;
  VPin2 = Pin2Ptr->last;   

...This is the actual computing of I=V/R, using the voltages on the
pins (VPin1 and VPin2), and the precomputed conductances. Note you 
computing -I1 and -I2   

  MinI1 = ResfloatVar->Conductance * (VPin2 - VPin1);
  MinI2 = -MinI1;

... This computer the partial derivitive of I1 and I2 w/respect to the V's.
Its just symbolically taking the derivitive of the above equation ...

  dI1dV1 = ResfloatVar->Conductance;
  dI1dV2 = -ResfloatVar->Conductance;
  dI2dV1 = -ResfloatVar->Conductance;
  dI2dV2 = ResfloatVar->Conductance;

This is another section that can be copied and extended by rote, it loads
up the solution matrix with the result of the above computation. If some
of your derivitives or currents are zero, delete the MatNZ assigment, do
not write "false".

  WITH2 = AnaSystem;
  WITH2->Mat[Pin1][AnaSysCol] += MinI1;
  WITH2->Mat[Pin2][AnaSysCol] += MinI2;
  WITH2->Mat[Pin1][Pin1] += dI1dV1;
  WITH2->Mat[Pin1][Pin2] += dI1dV2;
  WITH2->Mat[Pin2][Pin1] += dI2dV1;
  WITH2->Mat[Pin2][Pin2] += dI2dV2;
  WITH2->MatNZ[Pin1][AnaSysCol] = true;
  WITH2->MatNZ[Pin2][AnaSysCol] = true;
  WITH2->MatNZ[Pin1][Pin1] = true;
  WITH2->MatNZ[Pin1][Pin2] = true;
  WITH2->MatNZ[Pin2][Pin1] = true;
  WITH2->MatNZ[Pin2][Pin2] = true;

This executes the parasitic capacitors on each node automatically. They
must be included for the simulator to be happy, although you can decrease
the value of them in your models.cnf code from the default if you wish.

  AnaCapex(act->inst);   /*Does execution of node capacitors*/
}  /*Ex_Resfloat*/

/*          Procedure To Supply Current  Out of a Cell To Current Meters    */

Local Void Iin_Resfloat(act)
Analog_32_action *act;
  AnaExt_rec *Pin1Ptr;
  double VPin1, VMem1;
  AnaExt_rec *Pin2Ptr;
  double VPin2, VMem2;
  ResfloatConst *ResfloatVar;
  Anainstlist *A_Gate;
  log_grec *WITH;

This routine calculates the current through a pin; used by "probemode".

  WITH = act->inst;
  A_Gate = (Anainstlist *)WITH->info;
  ResfloatVar = (ResfloatConst *)A_Gate->InstVar;
  Pin1Ptr = (AnaExt_rec *)WITH->pin[0]->info;
  VPin1 = Pin1Ptr->now;
  VMem1 = A_Gate->Pininfo[0].Vmem;
  Pin2Ptr = (AnaExt_rec *)WITH->pin[1]->info;
  VPin2 = Pin2Ptr->now;
  VMem2 = A_Gate->Pininfo[1].Vmem;
  switch (act->pin) {

Current calculation as above, note derivitives aren't needed ...

  case 1:
    WITH = act->inst;
    act->Iin = ResfloatVar->Conductance * (VPin1 - VPin2) + act->Iin;

  case 2:
    WITH = act->inst;
    act->Iin = ResfloatVar->Conductance * (VPin2 - VPin1) + act->Iin;

    printf("Data Structure Corruption\n");
}  /*Iin_Resfloat*/

Local Void GetCnf_Resfloat(NewIC)
ICResfloat *NewIC;
  boolean Found;
  Char Arg[256], Keyword[256];
  long Dummy;
  ICResfloat *WITH;
  Char *STR1;

Reads the models.cnf commands associated with your gate, look at a gate
with more attributes to get a feel of how it generalizes. The TRY
RECOVER macros are used to you can assume the arguments are numbers,
do the computation you want, and if it fails put in a default. Not sure
what the Dummy line is doing, this is 10 year old code :-)

  WITH = NewIC;
  do {
    AnaGetcommand("RESFLOAT", Arg, &Found);
    if (Found) {
      (*AnaLogglobals->hook.getword)(Arg, Keyword);
      if (!strcmp(Keyword, "RES")) {
	  WITH->ICRes = strtod(Arg, &STR1);
	  Dummy = STR1 - Arg + 1;
	  WITH->ICRes = 1000.0;
  } while (Found);

/*                          Installation Procedure                           */

Local Void initlib_Resfloat(act)
Analog_32_action *act;
  AnaCell_rec *NewCell;
  ICResfloat *NewIC;

called when analog is launched to install resfloat.

this line mallocs the holder for state info

  NewCell = NULL;
  NewCell = (AnaCell_rec *)Malloc(sizeof(AnaCell_rec));

copy these verbatim, they are flags. Phase set to something else for gates
that have "little red lights" on them, check out vswitch.c for an example.

  NewCell->simulatable = true;
  NewCell->intr_cell = 0;
  NewCell->phase = Anasimple;

copy this verbatim

  NewCell->plist_cell = (Anapinrec *)Malloc(sizeof(Anapinrec) * act->kind->numpins);

extend to number of pins in your gate

  NewCell->plist_cell[0].standalone = false;
  NewCell->plist_cell[0].active = true;
  NewCell->plist_cell[1].standalone = false;
  NewCell->plist_cell[1].active = true;

copy this verbatim

  NewIC = (ICResfloat *)Malloc(sizeof(ICResfloat));

inititalize all your IC's to sane values -- will be overriden by models.cnf

  NewIC->ICRes = 1000.0;

copy this verbatim

  NewCell->Ainfo = (Anyptr)NewIC;
  act->kind->info = (Anyptr)NewCell;
}  /*Resfloat_Initlib*/

Local boolean Resfloatcheck(Inst, Attrnum)
log_grec *Inst;
long Attrnum;
  boolean Result;
  ResfloatConst *ResfloatVar;
  Anainstlist *A_Gate;

does error checking when a user types in a new attribute, and sets the
computed variable (Conductance here) to reflect new state. "Result" 
determines if you accept or reject users input.

  Result = true;
  A_Gate = (Anainstlist *)Inst->info;
  ResfloatVar = (ResfloatConst *)A_Gate->InstVar;
  switch (Attrnum) {

  case N_Res:
    if (Inst->attr[Attrnum - 1].UU.r <= 0 || Inst->attr[Attrnum - 1].blnk ||
	Inst->attr[Attrnum - 1].UU.r > AnaResTooBig)
      Result = false;
      ResfloatVar->Conductance = 1 / Inst->attr[N_Res - 1].UU.r;
  return Result;

Local Void Attr_Resfloat(act)
Analog_32_action *act;
  long Attrnum;

  Attrnum = act->pin;
  if (Attrnum >= Cstart && Attrnum <= Cstart + 5)
    AnaCapattrinsert((long)Cstart, Attrnum, act->inst, &act->ok);
    act->ok = Resfloatcheck(act->inst, Attrnum);

Local Void Newgate_Resfloat(act)
Analog_32_action *act;
  ResfloatConst *ResfloatVar;
  Anainstlist *A_Gate;
  AnaCell_rec *Cellptr;
  ICResfloat *ICptr;
  log_grec *WITH;

Called everytime a user makes a new instance of a gate, loads in the
attributed with IC values, and initializes some structures.

  Cellptr = (AnaCell_rec *)act->inst->kind->info;
  ICptr = (ICResfloat *)Cellptr->Ainfo;
  ResfloatVar = (ResfloatConst *)Malloc(sizeof(ResfloatConst));
  ResfloatVar->Conductance = 1 / ICptr->ICRes;
  A_Gate = (Anainstlist *)act->inst->info;
  A_Gate->InstVar = (Anyptr)ResfloatVar;
  WITH = act->inst;
  WITH->attr[N_Res - 1].UU.r = ICptr->ICRes;
  WITH->attr[N_Res - 1].blnk = false;
  WITH->attr[N_Res - 1].changed = true;

Local Void Copygate_Resfloat(act)
Analog_32_action *act;
  ResfloatConst *ResfloatVar, *Old_Resfloatvar;
  Anainstlist *A_Gate, *A_Oldgate;

Called everytime a user copies a gate on the screen, copy verbatim ...

  A_Oldgate = (Anainstlist *)AnaLogglobals->actgate2->info;
  Old_Resfloatvar = (ResfloatConst *)A_Oldgate->InstVar;
  ResfloatVar = (ResfloatConst *)Malloc(sizeof(ResfloatConst));
  *ResfloatVar = *Old_Resfloatvar;
  A_Gate = (Anainstlist *)act->inst->info;
  A_Gate->InstVar = (Anyptr)ResfloatVar;
  /*Always Do*/

Local Void Dispose_Resfloat(act)
Analog_32_action *act;
  ResfloatConst *ResfloatVar;
  Anainstlist *A_Gate;

Copy verbatim, deletes datastructures

  A_Gate = (Anainstlist *)act->inst->info;
  ResfloatVar = (ResfloatConst *)A_Gate->InstVar;
  AnaCapDispose(act->inst);   /*7*/

Local Void Readgate_Resfloat(act)
Analog_32_action *act;
  ResfloatConst *ResfloatVar;
  Anainstlist *A_Gate;
  log_grec *WITH1;

Called after reading a file, reset your internal variables (like 
Conductance here) to reflect attributes just read.

  AnaCapattrread((long)Cstart, act->inst);   /*Read capacitors*/
  A_Gate = (Anainstlist *)act->inst->info;
  ResfloatVar = (ResfloatConst *)A_Gate->InstVar;
  WITH1 = act->inst;
  ResfloatVar->Conductance = 1 / WITH1->attr[N_Res - 1].UU.r;

Local Void Probe_Resfloat(act)
Analog_32_action *act;
  Anainstlist *A_Gate;
  AnaExt_rec *Node1Ptr, *Node2Ptr;
  double Node1, Node2, Pin1, Pin2, d;
  Char Name1[256], Name2[256];
  log_grec *WITH;
  Char STR1[22];
  Char STR2[256];
  Char STR3[256];

Handles the display on NUMBERS Icon when probemode is called. This is a frill
and can be deferred till later, easiest way to understand whats going on is
to use probe mode with resfloat, note the behavior, and translate it to the
parts of this code.

  WITH = act->inst;
  A_Gate = (Anainstlist *)WITH->info;
  Pin1 = A_Gate->Pininfo[0].Vmem;
  Pin2 = A_Gate->Pininfo[1].Vmem;
  Node1Ptr = (AnaExt_rec *)WITH->pin[0]->info;
  Node2Ptr = (AnaExt_rec *)WITH->pin[1]->info;
  Node1 = Node1Ptr->ltimestep;
  Node2 = Node2Ptr->ltimestep;
  if (Node1 != Pin1 || Node2 != Pin2 || Node1 == AnaNotyet || Node2 == AnaNotyet) {
    sprintf(STR1, "%s ", Gatename);
    AnaScoreboard(STR1, (long)AnaMessGate1);
    AnaScoreboard("$", (long)AnaMessGate2);
  d = Pin1 - Pin2;
  if (d >= 0) {
    strcpy(Name1, " (+)");
    strcpy(Name2, " (-)");
  } else {
    d = -d;
    strcpy(Name1, " (-)");
    strcpy(Name2, " (+)");
  switch (AnaLogglobals->probepin) {

  case 0:
    AnaScoreboard(Gatename, (long)AnaMessGate1);

  case 1:
    sprintf(STR2, "%s%s", Gatename, Name1);
    AnaScoreboard(STR2, (long)AnaMessGate1);

  case 2:
    sprintf(STR2, "%s%s", Gatename, Name2);
    AnaScoreboard(STR2, (long)AnaMessGate1);
  sprintf(STR2, "dV = %s", AnaProbeVoltStr(STR3, d));
  AnaScoreboard(STR2, (long)AnaMessGate2);

/*                 Library Listing For  Cell Resfloat                    */

Void Log_resfloat_initlib_32(act)
Analog_32_action *act;
  /*Main Procedure*/

the dispatch procedure ....

  switch (act->action) {

  case Analog_act_newkind:

  case Analog_act_ex:

  case Analog_act_update:   /*8*/

  case Analog_act_pass1:

  case Analog_act_pass2:

  case Analog_act_attrchange:

  case Analog_act_reset:

  case Analog_act_newgate:

  case Analog_act_copygate:

  case Analog_act_disposegate:

  case Analog_act_openconfig:
    AnaCapattrload((long)Cstart, act->inst, act->ok);

  case Analog_act_readgate:

  case Analog_act_writegate:
    AnaCapattrwrite((long)Cstart, act->inst);

  case Analog_act_Iin:

  case Analog_act_probe:

#undef N_Res
#undef Cstart
#undef Gatename

/* End. */