A Tour of the Digital Gates

   1.  The standard gates in the Digital LOG library provide all
       of the logic functions you will need to build a digital
       circuit.  If you need a function that is not provided, you
       can design it yourself with the LOGED program, or using
       digital hierarchy.

   2.  All the standard library gates use consistent conventions for
       their pins.  For example, when a row of pins carries a binary
       number, the most significant bit is on the left or bottom end
       of the row.  Signals are active-high unless a "bubble" shows

   3.  Input/output devices and controls:

       SWITCH     Looks like a small pointed box.  It is a voltage
                  source that drives either One or Zero onto its
                  output.  The center lights up black or red to
                  indicate the state of the switch.  Touch the switch
                  to change its state.

       SWITCH2    A smaller switch suitable for packing into tight

       PULSE      Pulse switch.  Looks like a double-pointed box.
                  It acts much like SWITCH, except that when you
                  touch it it goes to One only briefly, then back
                  to Zero.

       LED        Digital display; small square box.  It lights up
                  according to the value being driven on it:  red for
                  One (or weak One), black for Zero, and background
                  gray for undriven wires (None).  It has connection
                  points all around so you can connect to it from any
                  direction.  (Note:  This means that placing two
                  LED's right next to each other will short their
                  pins together.)

       LED2       Structurally the same as LED, but the input pins
                  are treated a little differently.  In LED, all
                  eight pins are connected together.  Thus touching
                  LED's will short each other out.  In LED2, the
                  eight pins are independent.  If any of them is
                  driven high, the LED2 glows red.  If any is driven
                  low, it glows black.  If some drive high and some
                  low at the same time, the LED2 does not glow.
                  Since the pins are not internally connected, you
                  can let LED2's touch and they won't mind.

       LED3       This is a miniature LED useful for tightly packed
                  situations.  Connect to it by running the wire
                  right through the center.

       EDGE       Edge detector.  This is the differently-pointed box.
                  It lights up red whenever it sees any change on its
                  input, and only resets to black when you touch it.

       KEYPAD     Numeric keypad.  This is a 16-key keypad that generates
                  a binary number from 0000 to 1111 when you press one
                  of the 16 keys on the keypad.  The lowest output is
                  most significant.  There is also a "strobe" output
                  on the bottom, that generates a pulse each time a
                  key is pressed.

       7SEG       Numeric display.  This is a 7-segment LED display,
                  which displays the symbols 0 through F for inputs
                  0000 through 1111.  It has two equivalent sets of
                  inputs, for your convenience.  The most significant
                  bit is on the left, and at the bottom.  (The two
                  sets of pins are equivalent; you may use either.)

       ASCKBD     ASCII keyboard.  Analogous to KEYPAD, but with an
                  alphanumeric keyboard instead which generates
                  8-bit ASCII codes.  Tap a key to generate its
                  ASCII code (plus a strobe signal).  Tap SH, then
                  a key, to shift that key.  CT is the Control key.
                  Configure the gate and select Key-Codes mode to
                  generate positional codes for all the keys instead
                  of ASCII.  This lets you handle Shift and Control
                  yourself, if you like.

       ASCDISP    ASCII terminal display.  Shows 16x64 characters.
                  To print a character, put its ASCII code on the
                  data pins and pulse the Strobe pin.  Above Strobe
                  is the Clear pin, which resets the terminal.  This
                  terminal understands most standard Chipmunk control
                  codes such as Carriage Return and Line Feed.  Form
                  Feed clears the screen.  Certain variations on the
                  control codes can be had by Configuring the gate.

       CLOCK      This is a two- or four-phase clock generator or
                  oscillator.  By default, it is a two-phase square
                  wave generator in which the outputs are CLK and
                  not-CLK; the output changes on every time step
                  (i.e., once per standard gate delay).  You can
                  reconfigure it to take several time steps per clock
                  phase, or to clock according to real, physical time,
                  or to be a "synchronous" clock which changes as
                  soon as the rest of the circuit has settled down
                  from the last change.  Also, you can change the
                  waveform to four-phase mode, where the outputs are
                  completely non-overlapping CLK1 and CLK2, each with
                  25% duty cycle.

       BREAK      Breakpoint.  This is a box with an X in it.  This
                  gate is the circuit equivalent of a software
                  "breakpoint."  When its inputs see a positive- or
                  negative-going edge (respectively), it turns the
                  simulation off so you can examine what was the state
                  of the system at the instant the transition

       TIE        Pullup resistor.  This generates a weak One, which
                  can be overridden without conflict by an open-
                  collector output pulling down.

       TIEGND     Pulldown resistor.  Generates a weak Zero.

   4.  Connection gates:

       VDD        Power supply.  Provides a constant One signal.

       GND        Ground.  Provides a constant Zero signal.

       TO/FROM    Terminals.  These are the two arrow-shaped gates
                  in the Catalog.  They are equivalent except for
                  appearance.  They are used for putting names on
                  signals:  To name a signal FOO, connect a terminal
                  to it, then tap the space next to the arrow and type
                  FOO.  If there are several terminals in the
                  circuit with the same names, they are all
                  electrically connected as if by wires.  TO/FROM
                  names can be used to pass signals between circuit
                  pages.  Signal names are also used with the Scope
                  mode, to be described below.  Dropping a TO/FROM
                  into the menu area preserves its programmed name;
                  if the name ends in a number, each fresh gate pulled
                  from the slot gets a new number.  Predefined signal
                  names include "Gnd" and "Vdd", equivalent to the
                  GND and VDD gates, and "Reset", which is normally
                  grounded but receives a pulse every time you do a
                  Reset command (in the Misc menu).

   5.  Standard digital gates:

                  Standard two-input logic gates.  Also, AND3, NOR4,
                  etc. are multiple-input gates, and INV is an

       ANDX, ORX  etc.  These are versions of AND, OR, etc. whose
                  pictures have been transformed according to
                  DeMorgan's theorem of logic, which says that an AND
                  gate is just like an OR gate with its output and all
                  its inputs inverted.

       COMPL      This is a complementary-output buffer.  Its two
                  outputs provide the input and its complement, with
                  identical propagation delays.

                  Flip-flops.  Each kind comes in negative- and
                  positive-edge-triggered flavors.  There is a choice
                  of D flip-flops (which latch a Data bit on each
                  clock), or J-K flip-flops (which set, reset, toggle,
                  or stay the same on each clock), or Toggle flip-
                  flops (which toggle or stay the same on each

       LATCH      A level-sensitive latch.  When G is One, the output
                  follows the D input.  When G is Zero, the output
                  freezes at the last D input value that was followed.

       SHIFT      A four-bit shift register.  On a falling clock
                  transition, it either loads from the parallel inputs
                  (if M is One), or shifts in the direction of the
                  arrow (if M is Zero).

       SRAM8K     Static RAM or ROM, storing 8K bytes of 8 bits.
                  Address inputs are on the left (MSB lowest).  Data
                  input/output pins are at the bottom (MSB on the
                  the left).  Control pins are Chip Enable (CE), Read,
                  and Output Enable (OE).  If Read is high and CE and
                  OE are low, the addressed byte is driven on the Data
                  pins.  If Read and CE are low (regardless of OE),
                  the value on the Data pins is stored in the RAM.
                  Otherwise, the Data pins are undriven and ignored.
                  (To make a ROM, simply leave Read unconnected.)

                  Configuring the SRAM8K allows you to examine or
                  change any byte in the memory, control whether the
                  memory contents should be recorded in saved circuit
                  files, and save or load the memory to ".hex" data
                  files.  SRAM8K has the same unit propagation delay
                  as all Digital LOG gates---bear in mind that real
                  memory chips are much slower!

   6.  There is also a large number of 7400's series TTL gates to choose
       from in the gate library.  These are all intended to be close
       models of their true counterparts, but there are no guarantees.
       In particular, remember all propagation delays are the same.

   7.  A set of gates for simulating digital VLSI transistors exists.
       All of these gates begin with "V_" and are described below.

   8.  The gates whose names begin with "A_" are for use with the ACTEL
       design system.  This is a special box which takes network files
       produced by LOGNTK from circuits consisting of "A_" gates, and
       programs gate array chips while-U-wait to produce fast, custom
       digital chips for prototyping.  Use of the ACTEL system is beyond
       the scope of this document.

   9.  The gates DIGH, FORCEDRV, and INST1 through INST5 are intended
       for use with hierarchical definitions, described in the next

  10.  To view the "program" that the simulator uses for a gate, press
       the shift-D key, then touch the gate in the circuit diagram.
       A small window pops up containing the program.  Press somewhere
       not on a gate to exit this mode.  To erase the definitions, just
       hit the space bar to refresh the screen.  Notations like "#4"
       refer to pin numbers; letters like "E" refer to internal state
       variables of the gate.  For further documentation, see the
       LOGED manual.

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