
First release is coming soon

About Clay

Clay (Chunky Loop Alteration wizardrY) is a free software and library devoted to semi-automatic optimization using the polyhedral model. It can input a high-level program or its polyhedral representation and transform it according to a transformation script. Classic loop transformations primitives are provided (fusion, fission, skweing, strip mining, tiling, unrolling etc.). Clay is able to check for the legality of the complete sequence of transformation and to suggest corrections to the user if the original semantics is not preserved. Clay is still experimental at this report redaction time but is already during advanced compilation labs at Paris-Sud Unuversity and is one of the foundations of our ongoing work on simplifying code manipulation by programmers.


Coming soon


Latest Release Version:
Development Version:
To benefit from the latest improvements and bug fixes (and new bugs!), you can try the development version of Clay: